June 2, 2010

  • {Throwing up some late night junk}

    I picked up my Bible today and read it for the first time in a while.
    I mean really read it – not some quickie obligatory scroll down a half memorized Psalm.
    Hungry. Searching. Needing some drop of refreshment upon a heart spiritually parched.

    At times when I feel this kind of soul dehydration, even though I know the source where my thirst will be quenched…
    I’d kinda sorta rather just lay down by the well and writhe around in complaint and self pity than to simply dip and drink.
    Yeah. Sometimes self pity feels good. And sometimes no matter how much I know where the answer lies – I’m not ready to embrace it.

    I’d rather not open my Bible,  I know what’s in there and I don’t want to hear it.
    I’d rather not pray because the words seem shallow and not able to reach past the ceiling.
    I’d rather not have a relationship with someone than to have a superficial one. It’s just how I am.
    I feel it even with God which may sound disrespectful – that’s okay if it does to you… I know God gets that about me.

    So. here I sit.
    metaphorically: red faced, sweaty, hot, angry, knees drawn to chest, chin in my hands, so vulnerable with the junk of my life spilling out everywhere. It’s like I couldn’t hide it even if I wanted to. Which I don’t because hiding gets old. But I do because hiding feels safer.

    Last week was rough. Shayne was gone all week training and learning about a new job he was considering.
    I overworked myself and ended up spotting, having to stay off my feet –
    I have a history of babies who like to go and get themselves in the birth position and try to come earlier than planned.
    It’s called something medically but I can’t remember at the moment.

    I felt almost like things were gearing up to happen and I had that last minute surge of energy where you’re cleaning and organizing like crazy to get things ready and prepared.
    Things calmed and baby is back up and content to not come out just yet…
    The energy probably wasn’t as much pregnancy related as it was stress related.
    Sometimes when things are not exactly to my liking in life and I’m struggling I find myself in one of two modes~ obsessively project oriented, wanting the entire house to be remodeled and repainted, or atleast rearranged as i did last week/ or with the excessive need to GET OUT! I think the kids and I were at the lake three times.

    Either way it can become a method of escape from reality.

    A reality that started all over again today- and at this point will be every week this summer.
    A reality that, as I laid in bed this morning and watched the sunlight slowly creep through the slats in the blind, realized no matter how much cleaning or getting away this can’t be escaped. It is now life. and I have to adjust.

    Shayne has been looking and praying about a new job for months – financially it had become crucial.
    I just hadn’t planned on the job being 600 miles away! taking him from us each week, home weekends…
    Was I really going to become one of those wives/ mothers?
    Where I’ve seen so many of my girlfriends have to have this life style of their husbands traveling and gone from them…
    And hearing about the tremendous hardships that come with it. The loneliness and the struggle to remain close and connected.
    The costs that never really seemed worth it to me, no matter what the dollar amount.
    Was I really now there? This was my new reality?

    And when I see the answer, yes. I feel a faint scream within, “well, I don’t like it!”

    The other night as we talked through things Shayne mentioned a possible move in the fall if things go okay through the summer -after the baby is born – - which I think we might have found a name for and I’m whispering it over and over again inside and thinking yeah, it seems perfect.

    But when Shayne talked about moving I felt surprisingly okay with that.
    Maybe because I’m not exactly a planner.. I just fly by the seat of my pants and deal with things in the moment.
    But when he said he had to start THIS week my heart gasped in that, “when I breathe in it hurts right here,” kind of way.
    I thought I’d have more time – this change came on so suddenly.
    I thought I’d be able to wrap my brain around it all a bit better. To talk myself through it.
    Wasn’t there like some sort of mandatory thinking about a new job incubation period?

    But as I saw what was the only door opened {like we’d prayed}, compared to the one I was hoping would have opened – I bawled.
    It seemed the thought of a summer of separation was harder to me than the possible fall move.

    The other day while driving somewhere I asked myself what it was I really wanted – what did I feel would make me happy?
    “Something normal.” I found myself answering. Which seems our 14 years of life together has been anything but…

    Yeah. I want the husband that’s home every night at 5 and the two shiny new vehicles in the driveway of my big two bathroom suburbia home with a chunk of cushy savings in the bank. I don’t know what others define as normal, but that’s my normal.

    And sure I know. Goodness, do I KNOW God will use this time and I’ll be stretched and strengthened and deepened.
    But ya know To be perfectly frank. I don’t want to be.
    I think, hey… I can learn to trust Jesus and be strengthened and deepened just fine without all this other stuff.
    I don’t need Him determining the terms for me. ! ; )

    And that’s me. In this moment. Back to the beginning of the post in what I was saying…
    I see the struggle. the answer. the issues and junk in my heart but not really wanting or feeling I can just super spiritulize my way into being okay with this.
    I’m not. it sucks. I don’t like it.

    But. it is.

    And I know I’m faced with a choice.
    A response.

    I know it needs to be the right one. The real right one, not just the rehearsed motions.
    I’m even more aware as I feel three little pair of eyes widely taking it all in as their familiar is about to be rocked too.

    Can’t say I’m ready to yield. surrender. Or when I’ll be. I don’t even like those words at the moment.

    Shayne said that he was proud of me… how I was taking all this so calmly and maturely.

    I laughed and told him not to be fooled… “That 3 year old temper tantrum throwing little girl inside me who just wants what she wants is right below the surface.”

    But I’m glad 3 year old acting 36 year olds still have grace available. It’s raining down in bucket loads.
    Despite all the kickin and screaming I’m feeling it.

    And despite our first “official” day here in this new chapter of life where a foot was gashed open. keys locked in the van while we waited 2 1/2 hours for help. and nearly passing out in a second hand store that found me having to lie down on a sofa in the furniture section! {i think i was literally dehydrated from the hot day and running around}…

    Yeah. I was feelin the grace.

    Especially while lying on that red sofa in a second hand store with onlookers gawking.

    After awhile I got up and said as loudly as I could~ “Yup. I think this one will work.. I’ll take it!”  : )

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber.

Comments (45)

  • Oh, Amber! I didn’t know about these changed coming up. Well, I guess they aren’t just “coming up,” are they? They are here. I pray God will give you the grace and peace to live where you are. May you find His strengthening joy, even in the midst of the “I don’t WANNA!” I am sure if we are honest, we can identify. I remember when my husband shared that God has spoken to him about moving to Denmark. I honestly told him he was going to have to go alone! Yes. I did. Oh my! I liked my job, my life, my house, etc. I did not want to give them all up to step out into the “great unknown.” It was hard. I cried for DAYS! WEEKS! Oh, but I am so glad now! It has been such an amazing, rewarding time for us. God really does know what He is doing. I am so glad He is patient with us. Blessings, honey, and joy for the journey.

  • So many times life hands us things and they are just SO not what we want or planned! I’m constantly thinking, wouldn’t it be easier for everyone if things just went THIS OTHER way instead of this way??? And then I feel silly for questioning God’s providence. Yeah yeah, he clothes the flowers in the field in all their splendor but this is me and my family we’re talking about! lol I’m so silly.

    I could really relate to this post, not because I’m in a similar life circumstance, but I’ve been in a similar emotional place for the last several months to a year. I quit remembering that God is providing and caring for my family in all his Infinite Love, and start questioning why I can’t have things the way I want them, and the way I think they should be!

    I drive myself crazy!

  • I’m glad He’s patient with us because you’re right. We sure don’t learn easily.
    We came upon some sudden changes a few weeks back. Selling the house came up as a possibility.
    That ain’t happening anytime soon in this market though. :D

    We’re waiting and trying to do what The Lord would have us to do. Most of the time I’m thankful to NOT be in control.
    Especially when situations are so clearly “uncontrollable” It’s worse when we think we have a say. I don’t know about you but during the times that I feel things are “normal”
    I invariably *PROCEED WITH(out) CAUTION*

    During these difficult times, isn’t it nice to have the strength of a man who loves God to work things through with? I love that I’m not really alone.

    Love u!

  • Oh Amber.
    That grace is something that can’t be explained. And yes, I’m glad it’s there even for 36 year olds who feel 3! ;)
    I KNOW being alone is hard….even if it’s not permanent. We did that for six months. He came home once every couple weeks for two days at the time. More than likely, you’ll have more moments of kicking and screaming but you’ll be just fine! I always think about these guys in the military where deployment is routine…man.
    I am proud of your response and reminded that it is a CHOICE we all have to make…sometimes more than once a day.
    The red couch….LOL. Were your kids ducking for cover?
    xanga needs to get it’s act together….I couldn’t see all your pics. :(
    love you!

  • Wow! That is huge. I often say if one of us is going to single parent it better be David b/c I just crash and burn without the relief shift. I could so relate to two of your sentences especially. “I’d rather not have a relationship with someone than to have a superficial one.” Yep, me too. It’s been the cause of a lot of issues and me sometimes isolating myself. Sometimes even from God. And this, “That 3 year old temper tantrum throwing little girl inside me who just wants what she wants is right below the surface.” made me laugh because I was so relieved that other people sometimes still feel like a 3 yr old inside. Hoping that today you will be blessed with an extra measure of grace from God … enough for the three year old inside you and to share with your children. Because life sometimes just drains all the grace right out of us.

  • love my friends who can say life sucks.

    I’ll be back…

    love and hugs for the 3 year old inside,
    as well as the pregnant momma trying out her new red sofa! :)

  • I think all that you’re feeling can be related to.  God will give you the grace to get through those weeks.  He just be using this step out in faith to do something really big in your family’s life!!  Extra love and hugs your way as your human mind wraps around it all.  (Oh, and don’t you just love those pregnancy hormones at times like these??!!)  

  • Aren’t you glad God provided you with a couch to lay down on? And did you really buy it?

    This is a huge change and of course it will take a lot of adjusting…and you seem to have the mind to accept it…even if it’s taking some kicking and screaming on the inside. You recognize it and that’s half the battle. I completely understand the wallowing before embracing thing…change that’s not to my liking always throws me for a loop. After I finally surrender I always wonder why it took me so long because “things” are so much easier when I’m depending on God to walk me through, trusting that He will take care of me and has good things to come rather than when I slug through, on my own, feeling put upon. I can’t even begin to tell you how familiar I am with that feeling. I always go back to the verse that God will not give me more than I can handle. I have many times thought God doesn’t know me very well because at certain times I have seriously thought and cried out…”I cannot handle this!” For me it does come to that defining moment when I embrace whatever the change may be, determine to make the best of it, as I trust God to bring the best out of it, then I find some hidden joys in it…one by product is this sense of “wow” with God…I really can handle this! But yeah…it takes me kicking, screaming and some bawling to get there. You’re getting there. You can handle this. Shayne needs to know that too, I’m sure he’s got lots of cares and concerns about leaving his family. I think in some ways this could bring you closer as you work as a team even though apart. As for the kids, one of the best peices of advice I ever got, when we were going through a stinky rotten time was…”if you’re okay…they’ll be okay” I just had to be okay for them. Praying you’ll stay right under that bucket of grace pouring out onto you! I know you can do this Amber~love Dawne

  • oh…and I also want to say that I get the “and I don’t like it” thing…the beauty in that is…God does His best work when we are real about how we feel…just look at Gethasmane.  

  • oopps…Gethsemane

  • Oh Amber~ I know that red couch.  Mine was a vintage sofa from the 1940′s~ I needed another transfusion at the time.  Love your transparency.  Know I am praying for you and your family during this transistion.  It can be so heartbreaking~ but know He will work even greater things in your hearts, than this pain you are feeling now.

  • I will be praying for you. I really will. I posted something on my blog this morning that may be of an encouragement. You will have to scroll down to the second post entitled “Forget the American Dream”. http://www.amomentcherished.com Sounds like God is working radically in your life, and it hurts, and it is scary, but I have a feeling that it will be soooo rewarding, Amber!!

  • I’ll be praying for you and your big changes. I wouldn’t like that either. Especially with it being summer, and a new baby on the way. I think I would be throwing a fit on the outside. lol I’ll keep you in prayer. :)

  • grace. glad for those bucket loads of the stuff. even available to honest, screaming 3 year olds,
    maybe especially so…
    maybe more so…
    than the all grown up person who actually is justfinethankyouverymuch.

    I feel like the biggest kid in God’s preschool…sigh…so glad for all the real that you share. 
    and always.always. enjoy your sense of humor.
    overwhelmed and grateful for my friends who are so honest…like you…
    waving your hand at me across the classroom,
    saving a seat
    and for scribbling over words you don’t like.

    And when’s recess anyway?! Tired of making my letters. :)

    Like, where’s the normal I signed up for?! should have been more specific.
    even a loose definition of normal does not apply to what we have going on here.
    I hear ya.

    I wasn’t naive. chuckle.
    I knew there’d be trials.
    even financial ones. I’d experience them by getting to be the generous check writing person
    ~ sharing out of my own abundance ~ to those other people having ‘em.
    I’d witness too. Neat little encouragements like “God is Good” and “Trust in Him.”
    Not Not Not mocking Him for who He is and trusting Him. not.
    But mocking the way I had rehearsed  phrases, reducing them to something shared tritely…
    all the while having a specific idea ~demand!~ of what the payoff looked like!!!

    not aiming ANY of the above AT you,
    just risking thinking outloud about my own stuff,
    with you.

    with you as a walk beside kind of friend and person.


  • Oh!  Where are you going to be moving to?  Are you going back to Canada?  I’m praying for you.

  • Changes that throw your life “off balance” ……….oh how tiring! My prayers will be with you in the next few weeks as you face these changes head on The three year old kicking, I can relate to that (grin). I always admire how honest you can be and yet graceful, as you admit that not everything is perfect. You are precious!   

     I felt sad to see you crashing on the couch………life is exhausting, yet at the same time rewarding. How can it be?

     What would we do, where would we be, without Jesus?

     wishing you extra beautiful blessings this week!! ~ Di

  • It is almost unbelievable how much you and I are alike!  Your whole post describes me to a T!  Right down to the 14 years of crazy, unnormal (?) married life!  I’m getting ready to go back and read the first part of your post because it made me feel so much better to find someone that is so like myself and yet realizes that God ‘gets’ us!  I had never thought about that and I like it!  God bless your move, marriage, baby, house, children, husband, etc. etc.!  I wish we could get to know each other in real life!  I have a feeling we’d get along great! 

  • I often think,” He is The Good Shepherd, not that I am the good sheep”. He gently guides and softly pushes us into where He wants us to be…..even when we act on the negative or dislike where it looks like we are going. You’ll be okay because you really really do want to be in His will. That 3 year old inside of us shows herself once in a while doesn’t she?

  • I was just doing a chapter study on contentment in the workbook called “A Woman After God’s Own Heart” and I see so much ugliness in my soul related to not getting my contentment and meaning in life from God alone.

    Its God + this or that to make me really happy and content.  I’m just sayin’ that this is something I really struggle with.  That’s a lot to take in right now…pregnant, husband gone, move?  I really feel for you!

    I know God will totally be there for you, but I also understand not liking the word surrender and wanting to run from it all!!

    God bless you during this difficult time!

  • @DawneElla - 

    haha.. no.no. it was bright red and wouldn’t have exactly matched my decor here. ;) but it was comfy nonetheless even if i did feel like an idiot.. the women there made me sit, then lay back. i think they noticed my flushed face and me holding onto the wall!!! :) :)

  • Hello Amber, I am far away as you know and I read all the comments quietly; these ladies are so wise and great couragers, but ….it is NOT a right thing to do to leave you, the children and the baby that is so precious to you…the protector, the man, must not leave the nest ! This is dangerous.

    I see this not from a romantic point of vieuw as in: eventually it will all turn out for the better, no, the Dutch a very leavelheaded: this is not a good thing.

    There must be another solution, for fear you will stay behind breathless and so will your babies.

    I’m sorry. I will pray for you and for Shayne to have a honest conversation with his new boss, getting really personal meaby, so what…God needs us to live by our Soul.

    Lieve lieve…wishing you wisdom no defeat.

    Godeliva van Ariadone

  • Thinking of you in this big new stage. Hope your week goes well and he’s home before you know it! :)

  • ….”I’d rather not open my Bible, I know what’s in there and I don’t want to hear it.
    I’d rather not pray because the words seem shallow and not able to reach past the ceiling.
    I’d rather not have a relationship with someone than to have a superficial one. It’s just how I am.
    I feel it even with God which may sound disrespectful – that’s okay if it does to you… I know God gets that about me”….
    this part of what you wrote makes so much sense, it stopped me in my tracks cause it could have been my own writings. NoNE of it sounded disrespectful or shallow. It sounded REAL. Honest. And, really, it only matters that God gets you on that one anyhow…the rest of us may or may not, but really, we don’t count. :)
    If I could hug you I would.
    Praying for you, for Shayne, the kids, the wee one, and then you again. I hear your heart, and it is beautiful, no matter how it feels or sounds to you….

    Big Hugs~

  • Haha, oh, babe… Love your spunk. You’ll take that red couch, indeedy!

    Suburbia is one of my biggest dreads at the moment, but it does seem more and more appealing. I get ya, sister. :)

    Maybe I should come up and live in the Hutch5 home for a bit. ;)

    Miss you. Hope things wrap up quickly for you all. My mom was a single mom for a year when she was pregnant with #4 too, now that I think about it – my dad was 5 hours away in Houston. You all are brave people. <3

  • Wow Amber, you have a LOT going on don’t you?  I’ll be praying for you guys, this I’m sure will be a hard summer.  I know it would be for me, especially with a new little one on her way.  You can do it, with God you can!  Having your world rocked can be exciting too though!  New baby, new home!  Change is fun too sometimes! =)

    I just was able to read your post now, but with no pictures! I haven’t been able to get on xanga, haven’t been able to post, and I can’t see any pictures!!! I guess they’re switching providers or something?????

    {{{HUGS to you!!!}}}

  • I think he will owe you an Ikea date night when he gets back :)   Keep the shot gun loaded.  And take it easy for crying out loud!!!!!!  You don’t have to be super woman.  But I do realize keeping busy keeps your mind off things.  Here’s hoping the weeks go super fast….and you are all together very soon.  Miss you!  Hugs, Michelle

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  • I’m.right.there!!! I keep wondering when our life will become”normal”….like the one I signed up for.  I keep thinking…once we get over this next big hump, THEN we can relax…THEN it will all be calm and smooth…just like I planned!  And then a bigger wave comes crashing in!

    I love your honesty! 

    Just this evening, I heard God reminding me that He’s still right here.  Even when I’m distancing myself, He’s still right here. Patiently waiting, never abandoning his children.


  • Howdy Amber, love your uplifting posts, this is a nice and gentle and old fashioned and peaceful place to come visit!!

    I absolutely adore the beautiful ballet (outdoor) photos……….the colors are so brilliant! As always, love your photos, you are truly talented in that field………are you not a photographer? and if not……….why not?? (smile) I think you should take that talent and run with it!!!

    cute recital practice video! Especially the big yawn near the end………..LOL so cute!

    enjoyed the recital and costume photos because it brought back so many fun memories of the recitals and practices, the portraits, the costumes, the hair do-s and the lessons, etc. Lotta fun memories there. And now our ‘baby’, the youngest is grown and in college! yikes!

  • Praying for you sweet friend! You are so real and such an inspiration to me. Love you!

  • So sorry things are difficult right now – I feel your pain and have walked that walk, yes, even pregnant. As I’m sure you know, I think now more than ever, your husband needs your support and love and tenderness. Through God’s grace, mercy, strength and you drawing near and holding fast to His love and truth, He will walk you through what seems to be difficult. His love is deeper than the ocean and what seems hard, is n actuality His love, HIS LOVE and care for you. May this day you know His nearness like never before and hold fast to your confession which in the shed blood of Jesus Christ – and may peace come and fill you in a way you’ve never known before and may all glory and honor be to our great God who holds hurting hearts and heals them and gives them rest. I too am walking through what some might think is impossibly not normal. I have days where I wonder HOW will I survive. Being real about it is good… cause that’s when our REAL and very good God can come in if we are humble before Him, and change our unbelief. Praying for you and know that HIS arms are around you and that baby too – I really believe that how we respond to life’s situations while pregnant affects the baby in a very real way – praying grace and peace for you both. :)


  • Oh, Amber! I’ve so been there! In fact, I had a good cry tonight and had to rush to my room to lay my list before Jesus. Seems like everything is broken around here! All appliances – even the lawn mower! So many things are changing for us too! It’s midnight here and a little birthday boy is crying on the kitchen floor while his dad is trying to pull a piece of lead out of his foot. We’re all exhausted beyond sleep. What’s a comfort is that God’s love isn’t swayed or moved by how frequently we’re in the Word, or how surrendered we are, or whether our responses are OK (as blasphemous as that sounds). He sees us in Christ….a HUMAN heart beats for us in Heaven. You’re the girl highly favored by Him ~ regardless. And you’re so, so loved by so many!! Listening to Him; praying for you guys.

  • oh Amber I am so sorry for what is in store for your family ):
    I love your realness and how you share from your heart.
    This economy is nooo fun at all.

    That is hard what you are being faced with.
    I too often feel like a 2 year old inside struggling to accept reality.
    Reality bites sometimes it just does.
    I will be praying for you. You are a strong
    women with a Strong Faith whether you think so or not (:
    Take it easy. I remember doing exactly what you are describing when i was prego.
    only on a subway bench to avoid fainting.
    Get some rest!

  • hugs. great big hugs.

  • Please take care of yourself ~ slow down and rest awhile!!!  Blessings ~

  • prayers! …it could be writing sooo much of this! My honey had to be away during the week this winter and I did not always handle it so well…! I feel for you! I so love your honesty!

  • Praying for you, Amber. I’ve learned that God is not afraid of honest prayers, and oh yes, He “gets” us all. He understands when nobody else does. Being married to a firefighter all these years means we never had a “normal” marriage either–if that meant dinner at 6 and weekends and holidays together. Didn’t happen. In time, I adjusted my “normal” list and truly enjoyed my alone times. Now that we’re both retired, there are days I wouldn’t mind having him gone for one of those 24-hour shifts. (tee-hee) After two years, I’m pretty much adjusted to my new “normal.” Life is filled with changes. It’s often hard to find your footing during such times. That’s why we lean on the only One who doesn’t change. {hugs}

  • @peaceatthelake - 

    IF {the main word i’m focusing on right now} :) :) we do move it would be to southern ontario, yes.

  • @down_onthefarm - 

    you can’t see but i’m smiling… i think i know what that hug was for ;) and gee. i sure needed it today!

  • Bill and I just passed our 29th anniversary, and we’ve just not found “normal” yet!!  I can’t imagine him being gone a week at a time, although I’ve known many couples that do it!  When Mama and Daddy first needed full time help, I moved here alone and Bill tried to live at home with our daughter and just come visit one or two nights a week.  That only lasted from October to December!  I am praying for you all – that the way can be made quickly for your family to be together, and that you will all have strength and peace, and yes, even joy, in the meantime!  God bless you, Amber!

    P.S.  Take care of yourself!!

  • I remember a similar season in my life.


    Difficult…in our strength. But we are never alone.

    HE is trust worthy…

  • FINALLY!  i got some time to catch up on my favorite xanga.  (sorry!  i’ve not been on the computer much lately.)    oh my dear!  my heart is incredibly hurting for you!  i understand.  thanks for blurting out the good, bad, and ugly.  you’re for real!  and i love you!  and i will be praying for all these very hard changes!  <3 you!

  • I can really identify with what you wrote at the beginning – not that I’m foreign to the rest of it ;) – but I struggle with those things.. feeling that having/doing nothing is better than faking.. knowing the answer but not wanting to get up and get it.. I’m kinda there now, and really grateful to see the God’s display of the power of God’s grace in your life. Been loving these verses this week: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Cor%204:5-10,%2016-17&version=ESV
    ..”we have these treasures in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us..”

    I love you sister… I’m gonna miss you :’(

  • Praying for you dear heart. I know that you know HE is greater still than anything that comes up, but I also know the needs you are feeling at this time. So thankful you are feeling grace…His grace, abundantly flowing. Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us. love to you, Jenny

  • I hadn’t read this post, but I’m glad I did tonight! This is all of what I’ve been feeling lately. Changing and adjusting to having four kids is awesome and exhausting! We’ve got lots of changes coming up in the future as well that I am worried/anxious/excited/stressed about. And though I know where to get wisdom and peace, lately I’ve been avoiding it as well. I know where I need to be and for some reason it feels good to just sulk and mull over things, even though we can’t control certain things! Thanks for the encouragement!

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