July 19, 2010

  • {a reminder on this Monday. mostly to me}


    I’ve never been a great prayer warrior.

    I wish I was.
    I’d like to be more of one.

    I’ve never been great at praying. period.
    I have a hard time paying attention.
    It sounds lame. but I do. 

    I used to never understand when people would say, “I FELT the prayers of others….”
    I thought it was just one of those things you say as a Christian.

    I didn’t like to tell others I would pray for them because… because often, I really didn’t. Thinking again, it’s just the thing to say.

    I came to a point in my Christian life a year, maybe year and a half ago, where I was done doing and saying all the right and expected things.
    I was tired of pretending I got it, when really.. I hadn’t a clue.

    Shayne and I were talking over the weekend and saying how in so many ways we feel we’ve started over. 
    Back to square one. Simply – the gospel. And slowly adding to that…
    although as we both agreed, it’s been quite the journey of discovery realizing there really isn’t much to “add” to that square after all. 
    The gospel is it. Jesus Christ. What He’s done for us. It always comes back to the cross. ~
    and in learnING this do I see myself grasping one small bit at a time what true prayer is. and the power it holds for us as Christians.

    Finding often that genuine prayer carries the same theme – helplessness.relationship.repentance.seeking.journey.hope.


    One of the most real examples being through this pregnancy. and the other two leading up to it… 
    When I miscarried back to back last fall. Finding out I was expecting again the first of the year.  Full of doubts and lack of faith and fear. Thinking those were being realized yet again. Going through such a dark time spiritually of not believing God’s love. Realizing for the first time that trials and suffering ARE His love. Not liking that. Not wanting to pray. Feeling I couldn’t. The words getting stuck in my throat. Seeing so many of the views of God I grew up with or held to for years were not really Him, only what I wanted Him to be.  Not liking that. And feeling it was the prayers of others that carried me to the cross when I felt I couldn’t get there on my own.  And knowing because of them that God in His mercy spared this little one. Giving her life back to us, and in so doing, giving me a life in Him I hadn’t known before.

    Because a true relationship with Jesus starts when we realize how much we need Him.
    And that isn’t just a one time salvation type experience.
    It never goes away. Only grows. Or it should.
    He made us to be needy – so that in our search for something to fill the holes of our heart we’d find Him!

    Redemption comes in the most unexpected places. Slowly, in the small, hidden spaces.


    I started re-reading a book I’d read before. Cause I had a feeling I’d read it differently this time. And I have.
    Yesterday, this part spoke to me~

    “We tell ourselves, “Strong Christians pray a lot. If I were a stronger Christian, I’d pray more. Strong Christians do pray more, but they pray more because they realize how weak they are. They don’t try to hide it from themselves. Weakness is the channel that allows them to access grace.

    I’m not referring to well-known Christians. An interviewer once asked Edith Schaeffer, author and wife of evangelist and philosopher, Francis Schaeffer, “Who is the greatest Christian woman alive today?”

    She replied, “We don’t know her name. She is dying of cancer somewhere in a hospital in India…”

    I’m talking about that woman. Underneath her obedient life is a sense of helplessness. It has become part of her very nature.. almost like breathing. Why? Because she is weak. She can feel her restless heart, her tendency to compare herself with others. She is shocked at how jealously can well up in her. She notices how easily the world gets its hooks into her. In short, she distrusts herself. The result? Her heart cries out to God in prayer. She needs Jesus.

    As we mature as Christians we see more and more of our sinful natures, but at the same time we see more and more of Jesus.

    As we see our weakness more clearly, we begin to grasp our need for more grace.

    The immature Christian has a small cross and a small view of her sin. She has little need to pray….”   {A Praying Life, Paul Miller}


    I’m not saying I’m a mature Christian, only that I think I finally know what one truly looks like.

    And I’m grateful for those in my life who live this out first hand.
    It’s just not reading it in some book by who knows who, it’s SEEING it.
    Those who haven’t patted me on the head with a superficial, “I’ll pray for you…”
    but have come along side of me with comfort and sincerity.
    Who let me know they have needs too. and it’s okay. and together, we can take those needs to the Father.

    For the first time ever I can honestly say that I’ve FELT the prayers of others.
    I do not take that lightly.

    And once again, God has answered.

    Last Wednesday I was positive it had started. I was in labor.

    I got dressed. Combed my hair. Put my earrings in and a little gloss on my lips. {yes.. I’m funny about wanting to look nice when I meet my babies for the first time!} I told the kids mamaw and papaw were on their way to get them, and was about to leave when Shayne pulled up seconds before! Home a day early, and just in time {THAT was your prayers}. After some intense stuff, everything was suddenly & surprisingly quiet. I’m not one to have false labor. I wait until I’m sure {again, THAT was prayer}. The midwife wanted to give me a test before going… where they can check the hormone levels of the baby to see if it’s preparing to be born in the next days, or week. She said she was pretty sure by how things were looking it would come back positive. So I came home – back to the couch – back to waiting. And feeling such a calm about everything. {again, prayers}. Late on Friday the midwife finally called and said the results were in and I wasn’t going to believe it, and neither did she, but they were negative. I think I asked 2 or 3 times if I heard right, “negative?” Which means based on the statistics of the success of this test, I shouldn’t have the baby for another 2 weeks! {yes. so very much -prayers!} I believe that with all my heart! 

    Thank you so much to those of you who have prayed for this baby girl.
    For the outpouring of your kindness through so many avenues – the words {which I love.. I’m a big words girl} :) and the gifts {love them too} the flowers {Audrey, these are pictures of the ones you sent today!} the cards and the meals!!! It all just means more than I can express. I’ve been overwhelmed by God’s goodness – and overwhelmed by the history of this little ones life – already!

    … and I’ve been thinking all day about two things.
    1). prayer works, and 2). a kind word or gesture is like CPR to the soul when you’re struggling

    if you know someone going through a rough time make that extra effort to let them know you care. I already find myself planning meals in my head to take to people when I’m able. I KNOW how much it means and I want others to have that sense too~


    Here’s another {and fun one too} answer to prayer that came last Friday~

    Just a few weeks ago I was standing in a group of ladies and we started talking about our engagement/ wedding rings.
    I mentioned that my engagement ring had been lost for over 2 years.. and it was kinda starting to really bother me.
    Later that night, alone in bed, I felt the Lord prick my heart to pray about it…. asking Him to help me find it.
    I had exhausted all the places to look. Thinking that maaaaybe it was under Shayne’s huge oak desk because it seemed that was the last place I remembered it. {I hate typing or playing the piano with rings on}.

    Well… I rather forgot about that prayer to Him that night.

    Then on Friday, Ben was running the vacuum around his school desk and I was trying to tell him from the couch how to use the hose to get up all the little papers and stray food that seem to accumulate around his spot. When he wasn’t quite getting it {or doing it the way mom wanted, more like it} :) I got up and went over and started showing him how it was supposed to be done. Moving the desk and chair {since it was after my good news from the midwives!}, and accidently knocked over the kids computers that sit on the floor. – when I picked them up to stack them back up, right there… nestled deep into a TWO year groove in the carpet lay my engagement ring!!!!

    not under or around Shayne’s desk as I thought. under the kids! they’ve been doing their online program for, yes… TWO years now! :)

    {recently discovered that pillows make good props/backdrops for shots!}

    “Oh, buddy!! Look what I found!!!!!” I squealed in excitement.

    Ben walked over a bit hesitantly – I think not sure if it was going to be the typical fungus growing science project type stuff I usually find around the areas he traffics the most! ;)

    And then the prick from the Lord and my prayer that night came to mind….
    I sunk back down on the floor from my knees and let my shoulders fall into a sigh as I did.

    Staring at the little shiny thing in my hand for a second, then, looking up at Ben.

    “I prayed Jesus would help me find this!” I held it up higher in the air. “And look at that, bud!!”

    “That’s neat, mom.” he smiled. Then must have left after I turned back to inspect the ring, seeing an opportunity to get out of his vacuuming chore. ;)

    Yeah. maybe my kids don’t get the power of prayer quite yet either. That’s okay.
    I know they will eventually… just like I am, still at times eventually getting it.
    But I do so hope that stories like these – our little baby. the ring – will stay tucked in their minds and come out and echo through their hearts in years to come… in times ahead when they’ll need reminded that prayer works. that God is big enough. and He is faithful.

    …just as reminding myself as I’ve written this has encouraged me. and I hope you as well. 

    Wherever you are in life. With whatever you are facing. We have a God that sees. that knows. that cares.

    Not only can we talk to Him about everything we feel – He LIKES hearing from us!

    And no matter how many times I might tell myself that, or hear others say it, or write it…
    that thought will never cease to cause me to shake my head in wonder and awe.

    GOD – the creator of the universe – knows who I am and cares about the contents of my heart!


    shaking my head.



    every time.


    Here’s just a fun question for conversation I was thinking from seeing my rings again and all….

    *Did you pick out your engagement ring or did your husband? And, did you like it?

    Shayne did all the picking with mine~ designed it and had it made, even.
    And I liked the engagement ring fine, but wasn’t sure I liked the set together so much…
    the one was my wedding band, the other my first year anniversary band.

    I went through a time of wishing/ longing/ hinting for another one. ;)
    Actually, I felt that about my whole entire wedding, etc.
    it wasn’t really my style  – who I was – blahblahblah.
    And for years, literally, it all would bug the snot out of me when I would think about it.

    But then, I don’t know. One day it’s like something clicked with me.
    Maybe it was something to do with realizing what really matters in life – - letting the important be the important.
    And things like rings and diamonds and wedding dresses… nope. aren’t that important in light of what “for richer or poorer” really mean.  
    It’s what happens on the other side of the alter that really counts, not how you look getting there.
    And some of my best memories of marriage – of growth and depth and closeness – happened in these past two years without a ring on my finger at all. :)

    But I am glad I have it again.

    And somehow… finding it underneath that computer on the floor with all the food and trash and fuzz balls it just looked so much more beautiful to me than it did 14 years ago in that park in Canada when I saw for the first time….

    Maybe now I was seeing it with the true eyes of love.
    Eyes that I’ve come to realize you’re not born with, but rather, have to be developed.

    happy Monday and happy remembering those things that are ….  are good to remember! :)

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber

    {p.s. i added a song on my playlist, #14 i believe. i heard my younger brother danny sing it over the weekend. the message resonates with something in me. i’ve listened to it several times today.. putting my head back and closing my eyes. sometimes prayer is simply a word ~ “it’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah.”} 

Comments (41)

  • Love and agree with your thoughts on prayer!

  • Praise God for answered prayers! I’m SO glad for good news about the baby and that you found your engagement ring! woohoo.

    Steven picked my ring and then gave it to me when he proposed, which was the first time I’d ever seen it. He did ask me what kind I liked though, first. :D

  • Love these thoughts, and the answered prayer about the ring! Things like that make you feel sooo special, and help you remember that God is thinking about YOU!

  • We picked my rings out together 47 years ago. How wonderful you found your ring! Yes, I agree about the little details that bother us.  It is not about the wedding it’sabout the marriage.

  • Your new header is so dreamy… Makes me want to go there!

  • SO glad you found your ring!!!

  • God does answer our prayers and at just the right time, which is not always when we want them answered. Over 52 years ago we looked at engagement and wedding rings and couldn’t decide…there were so many to choose from Then my husband’s uncle showed us a set he had borrowed from the jewelry shop next door to the restaurant he owned. We liked them, and we still have them.

  • Beautiful post. And I love the new header!

  • tears just tickled my eyes reading this….prayer is so hard for me too….I’ve got a 4 kids, 5 years and under, lots to keep my mind and time busy and eyes tired in the evenings. I can’t seem to focus, be unbothered or stay awake to finish a prayer! This is such a neat reminder that even prayers whispered in short sentences…..even THOSE he hears and answers! I am learning to pray and leave these little {…} to be picked up later. Even those prayers are answered, when they are interrupted and left to be continued. THank you for this post!

  • this touched my heart…..   i struggle with prayer, AND very seldom tell someone I will pray unless I mean it because I forget.  and then I hear a story like this or something happens in my own life and I know and understand a little more. i love hearing about your “journey”!   Bless you :)   glad you found your ring….. still waiting on mine and hoping some day! (bad lil Mennonite girl!!!!!)

  • What a great post!
    Be assured that your little ones do notice your prayers! As a child my mother and father prayed for everything. Even the simple things.
    Reading your story about your ring almost broke me down because it reminds me of my own engagement ring story.
    I had gone to the Y to a water aerobics class then came home and walked into the hallway and looked down at my rings and cried “My diamond is gone!” My husband, who was in the shower at the time, said “Where did you take it off last?” I yelled “I didn’t take it off!” Only the diamond and the setting holding it to the ring had come clean off! Before I even started looking I stopped and prayed that the Lord would help me find my diamond. (The story of the ring is that the diamond actually came from my grandmother’s ring and my husband had it put into a new setting for my ring. My grandmother passed away before I met my husband.) I retraced my steps searching in the car first and then we drove back to the Y. My husband brought his swim trunks because he used to be the aquatics director at the Y and was good at diving and had thought ahead. I went up and looked all over the exercise room where I had done yoga first and he immediately got in the pool. On his first dive down he found the diamond inches from the main drain! It really was a miracle, and I know the Lord led him to that spot. I don’t know what I would have done had I lost that diamond. I know material possessions are not where we should store our treasures, but it was the meaning behind the diamond.
    Thanks for the great reminder to always keep praying!

  • Great post, sometimes we have to start from the beginning of our Faith, Jesus and what He did for us…that really speaks to my heart, thanks!  I also enjoyed your pictures!

  • this is what i needed to hear, i have been going thru a dark valley and reading this really encouraged me.  God Bless you

  • I only read half!  I have to come back later, this is a really good post.

  • love this…be back when i can digest more…

    sending a hug your way…

  • I was in that group when you said it’s been 2 years & I remember thinking that I doubt whether you’ll find it.  So I was totally thrilled when I read this!  PTL!  He still cares about each detail of our lives.

  • “starting over. square one and not needing to add much to that square…. “  so get this and loved your thoughts…. and the faith I see in you.  And stories like this post are so very needed in our lives…. and such neat opportunities for building alters for praise and remembering.  I forget so easily.

    What great news to have you hanging in there a bit longer with baby dear.  I totally believe in MIRACLES.  Blessings friend and you are often on my mind.

  • My heart cry recently has been to get closer to God so I’ve been trying to talk to him more… and this post just made tears come to my eyes because it was a beautiful encouragement to me.

  • such a wonderful ending to a simple prayer! Like it says in Matt and something I’ve been reminded about several times….Ask and ye shall receive. So many times I start wishing for something but never out right ask Him. You’d think I’d learn.
    Been thinking of you and hope things are going well with the little girly!

  • Praising the Lord that your little peanut is staying put for now. God is so good. I think we all grow in prayer. I think God totally knows where we are, and sees those mommies praying while diapering babies or cooking a meal. He formed us. Being laid up surely does cause one to grow in that area. I wanted to have integrity and truthfulness when I said, ” I will pray”, so I always pray right then, right away while I am there. Amazing, cuz then the Spirit comes in, and often reminds me to pray other times too. I think the book “Intercessory prayer” by Dutch Sheets is amazing. He explains new things I had never thought of before about being God’s representatives on earth, and how we are to walk in what Jesus has done for us and pray with authority. Something I am still wrapping my mind around, but giving me more faith to pray believing.

    Love all the beautiful flower and ring pictures. Very beautiful, romantic, and representing the love of your hubby and those loving on you. So happy for you finding your ring! My diamond came from a family ring from Bob’s grandmother. His mom lovingly offered us the diamond and my hubby had it set into a solitaire setting. At ten years my ring needed repair and redoing so I got upgrades of two baguettes on either side. Later they fell out! So I did not wear my ring for many years, just my band. Now they have been restored and I am enjoying having my rings on.

  • Ever since I was a little girl, I have carried on all-day conversations with the Lord but I never thought about that as prayer.  As I got older and heard teachings, testimonies, and sermons on prayer, I began to be so burdened about my “prayer life”.  I’ve never been able to stay on my knees, go through a list, all that.  When I tried to “pray through” an issue, I always wondered how other people thought of so much to say about it! 

    In the last few years, I have come to see that my conversations with the Lord are in actuality my prayer life.  I ask, I confide, I wonder, I praise – I just don’t always do it on my knees in a prayer closet. 

    Lest anyone think that I don’t believe being on my knees, getting on my face, crying out, or having a list is important, that is truly not the case.  There have been many times in my life that I have spent myself on my knees crying out to the Lord – times of great need or pain.  And I do make prayer lists, although I try to pray for the need immediately as I learn of it, or I might misplace my list and forget!!!  But my daily prayer life is spent pretty much in simple conversation with my Lord, much as I talk to my hubby or sister.

    I hope this doesn’t sound like I am making light of prayer.  I know many prayer warriors, and I truly believe it is a calling.

    As for the wedding rings, Bill and I shopped for them together, to see what style we each liked.  He bought them on the sly, though, and gave me the engagement ring for Christmas.  We had only known each other for 4 months, and married 5 months after that.  When you know, you know!! ; )

  • My heart is weeping. My eyes are still trying not to.

    love and hugs and…prayING!!! for real.
    I really like to say “talking to God about you” instead.

    be back.

  • lovely pictures and words! amber, i`m still “talking to God about you too”. thanks cindy, i like that and remember you saying that at rebecca`s…
    can`t wait to see pictures of baby girl dear!

  • Thank you so much for your encouragement! I’ve been feeling the prayers tonight. It’s a strange sense of calm that I haven’t felt in a while…probably because of all my worrying. I love this post, about prayer, about answered prayer! Even though I was praying that I wouldn’t loose my baby, I still feel like God answered my prayers in a different way. Thank you so much for your support and love. I know you know what it’s like.
    I’m so glad that you didn’t have your baby girl yet! She’s gotta stay in there for a few more weeks anyway. I WILL be praying (and already did say) a prayer for you and the baby. God bless!!

  • Well, it’s been sooooo many years ago now, like 35 since I became engaged…..Bill actually purchased the ring he picked out with money he got from selling his blood to the blood bank! Working on 3  car projects for my Dad, doing odd jobs for his Grandfather,  and borrowing the last $50.00 from my Dad to  pick it up at the jewelry store so he could give it to me on Christmas eve of 1975…..I have never seen another one like it.  On our 25th anniversary he purchased a beautiful cradle for it and I don’t think there is another one in the world like it!  Just like our love! Unique, and different! All my friends had rings that were kind of the same, but  this one was totally differnent….at first, I kind of wanted just to be like everyone else…but through the years, I have grown to love the uniqueness about this ring, and that HE picked it out just for me…..and yes, you are right….it grows more valuable with each passing year as I understand what true love and committment really means. 

     Loved your story on prayer and finding your ring.  Love you!  I have been praying for your little one and you since I  read the story you posted on your “hidden” blessing.  Take care and thanks for sharing your way!   I love your honesty and openess! 

     Love, prayers and thoughts, Momma Boyd <3 

  • i love you! you’re so….real. sending hugs from cali!

  • Wow, Amber! This REALLY struck a cord with me. I’ve had very similar struggles with prayer in my life…in fact, I was just thinking about it this morning when I was exercising. This felt like a healing balm for my soul. I wish I would have had time to sit down with you and talk about this at FFE. I have a feeling I would have been blessed by that conversation! Next time?

    I think your engagement ring is VERY pretty! And I think the story about how you’ve come to really love it is very cool. You have SUCH a gift as a writer and I just feel like I “get” what you write.

  • Good stuff!A good dose of the reality of life.And what a great testimony to the power of prayer….I can only imagine how exciting ya all must be with the new arrival on its way.Blessings!

  • Thanks for this post, Amber.  I was blessed by it and looking down over the comments too.  Glad to hear things are going well with Baby~

  • LOVED this post. So inspiring and encouraging. Beautiful.

  • Isn’t it wonderful when God answers even our “half-hearted” prayers! One of my biggest things I am always having to work on is to make sure I remember to thank Him for that answered prayer….it’s amazing how many He answers. :) I love that I can bring even the most “unimportant” things to Him and to Him they are so important.

    I picked out my engagement ring, but my husband still managed to surprise me with it. I no sooner picked it out on a Monday and He went and ordered it and picked it up and proposed that Sunday!

    Enjoyed your post.

  • HI! :)
    My heart echos everything you’ve mentioned here about prayer. I’ve often wondered how God feels about the fact that so often prayer is our last resort. Sort of a last ditch effort. We’ve all said it, “Well. All we can do is pray.”. ALL we can do?!! That is ALL we NEED to do. I haven’t gotten it all figured out yet, but my prayer has been that God would increase my belief in the fact that prayer matters. You know?
    Loved the ring story. Brad picked mine but we had talked about it and he knew exactly what I wanted. So technically, I sorta picked it! LOL And I do love it. I always have a mental dilemma regarding gold vs. platinum but as you so eloquently put it: blahblahblah..

  • I want to say a hearty “amen” to your last few sentences about ideals (weddings, etc.) and what REALLY matters most in life. Actually, I believe the lack of ideal situations in my life the last several years have been the means to my eyes being opened to what matters, and to help me develop a more eternal perspective. So much of life can turn out to be how we choose to view it!

    I read your previous posts and my heart goes out to you during this time of Shayne’s absence! I am glad that at least you are near family, but really there is only ONE person you really want – your husband – in an emergency or time of need (any time, actually). Thank God for His protection of your little one, and for the discovery of your wedding rings!

    Terry chose my engagement ring, which I requested, because I felt it would be anti-climactic to pick it myself! However, T did discreetly find out what my tastes were, and I had several preferences: white gold, SIMPLE SIMPLE style, and a gem that didn’t protrude too much (to avoid catching in clothes, etc.). He followed those stipulations and chose the shape of the stone and other factors. I LOVE it. T, on the other hand, is very particular and helped me make every minute decision about his own wedding band, when I purchased it for him!

  • Every time I read one of your posts now, I just wish I could sit down and talk about it with you. :) I have struggled with the whole prayer thing, too. I either fall asleep or end up thinking about something else. It feels like I’ve tried about everything all the way down to the way time consuming prayer journalling. Which works IF you’re not a mom. I used to spend a lot of time praying (really, honestly) when I had a 45 min commute to work. Driving and praying worked perfectly for me. It was mundane enough to allow me to think, but just consuming enough to keep me focused. I don’t miss the commute but I do miss the way I felt about God when I spent so much more time talking with Him. Now it feels like I just kind of do these snatches, like in the morning, “God, I’m really not sure I can do another day” or mid morning, “PLEASE help me stop snapping at the boys” or “What can I do to show them I love them.” Not exactly prayer closet, relationship with God kind of stuff. Is this a stage? Or am I totally missing it? I wish, I want, I try again … only to fall asleep.

  • Praising the Lord for his amazing grace in the big in little things…  I have gone through a growing process a lot this past year.  I laugh and tell people God had to give me 6 kiddos to help me to let go completely.  I once believed it was in how much faith I had, how much I prayed, how well I trained my children…blahblahblah…  My hearts desires were not bad, my trust was just in the wrong place, my trust was in my ability to make it all happen…pull yourself up by the good old boot straps.  This last year and a half of being super sick with my 6th pregnancy, then the baby being born with lots of digestive issues, and my own health issues… I broke down trying to “keep it all together”  Praising the Lord I now realize to just lean on Him.  I am weak but He is strong as the children’s song says.  I have learned to let go and lean, lean on the Savior.  As you stated in your post, “As we mature as Christians we see more and more of our sinful natures, but at the same time we see more and more of Jesus. As we see our weakness more clearly, we begin to grasp our need for more grace.”  I couldn’t agree more!  Another statement you made, “Maybe now I was seeing it with the true eyes of love. Eyes that I’ve come to realize you’re not born with, but rather, have to be developed.”  That has happened in my life over the past few years as well, not my ring, but another area in my life.  Thank you for your heart for the Lord, and for sharing what He is doing in your life.  Your have encouraged me this afternoon.  Praying you feel the strength of the Lord this afternoon.  I know how hard those last days of pregnency can be.  Praying you have supernatural strength to accomplish all you have need of.  Blessings ~ Deborah

  • I love that you found your ring and that you felt prompted to pray about it. It’s such a huge blessing when God just seems to say, “See? I care about everything you care about.”

  • Been thinking of you and prayed for you as i picked my cucumbers tonight….especially that Shayne will be home when it’s TIME! Love your thoughts….it’s such a journey, and I don’t think we’ll ever quit maturing at least I hope I don’t.

    YAH! For finding the ring….good thing you didn’t look under that desk, you’d have been really worried ;) . I love praying about things like that and having them fall in my lap, always makes me realize God cares about the little tiny things, that really in the light of eternity don’t matter, but He still CARES!

    Love you, hope this week is a good one!

  • what a beautiful post. resonates with so much of what i’ve been learning these past couple weeks. and somedays i just ocould sit and listen to your stuff over and over again..music wise. have you heard Selah’s song ‘Unredeemed’ it has me in tears …i think it would speak to your heart. its beautiful.

    i have recently been reading ‘Disappointment with God’ by Philip Yancy. its been very eye opening about things that i have believe that perhaps weren’t the truth. its been interesting seeing some of the scripture…especially Job in a bit of a different life. Thank you God for little answers to prayers that are just little things to us…but things he knows are so important to us and a blessing when they get answered yes or no or wait…always harder on those last two.

    i was praying that shane would get there soon. praise God that he did!! and praise God that your little one has decided not to make an appearance for a bit. THANK YOU GOD!!!

  • Hi, I was blog hopping and was amazed when I read this post. I love your thoughts! I struggle with a lot of these issues with prayer, I want to spend more time praying and seeking God’s heart, learning to listen to Him instead of Him always having to listen to me. It feels like such a long process tho, but I’m glad to know there is hope. Thanks for writing your heart!

  • I fought tears as I read this….because I KNOW….all too well about being at a place in my relationship with God where I’ve pretty much thrown everything I’ve ever known in a heap in the corner.  Beginning all over with the “bare bones”.  Maybe because the people I had trusted, believed in, looked up to have left me down in such a raw way.  In such a way that I had no other choice but to start over  -  me…..and God – that’s it.

    Where I struggle in my prayer life the most is in giving Him time to talk to me.  I’m usually so busy rambling on, pleading for wisdom, begging for healing, when all of a sudden, I realize….I haven’t listened….at all.  THAT is where my mind begins to wander….  I have such a hard time waiting on Him.  I just know He’s one of those strong, silent types :)

    I love what you’ve shared here!  And I so agree with understanding the tip of the iceburg about what a true follower of Jesus looks like.  One who doesn’t have a lot of answers, one who has a heart of compassion for those hurting, one who doesn’t think they’re a great follower….someone who as I walk away after spending time with them, I know they spend time with Jesus!

  • so glad you found your ring! and that the baby will be ok!

    so happy with you! :)

    and i love the “hallelujah” song. good stuff.

    hava happy.

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