July 21, 2010

  • {it doesn’t always go that way}

    It was almost a year ago now. But I remember it as if it just happened.
    I can see where I was standing on the church parking lot. What I was wearing.
    I can hear my friends voice as it rises higher and higher in an excited tone.
    The plastered smile on my face while nodding my head.
    The deliberate concentration to listen.
    The excited tone I tried to match to hers.

    And the whole time fighting an incredible urge to stick my fingers in my ears and yell, “shut up.shut up. shut up!!”


    “It was just amazing, Amber!!! I mean at the very last minute God came through, just like He always does. And not only did He answer our prayers He went above and beyond by…..”

    My mind blurred somewhere at that point, because I don’t recall exactly what all the “bonus” parts were. But I recall getting in the van a few minutes later, turning my face to the window so my husband wouldn’t see the hot tears escaping the corners of my eyes. I brushed at them angrily. I didn’t want to feel this way. I didn’t like it. I knew I was better than this, or should be. I knew I was stronger than that, or should be. I knew it wasn’t right. Wasn’t “the Christian thing to do”….

    at the moment, though. I really didn’t care.
    yeah. I’m super mature that way!
    I know life’s not all about me – but I sure as heck wish it were at times.

    My struggle was while I was standing listening to my friends awesome answer to prayer, I was mentally reciting off my list of unanswered ones! {and seemingly within the very same week!}

    “God came through, just like He always does….” No. I couldn’t say that He had for me.

    These weren’t things like not missing Pottery Barn’s 75% off sale. Or that it wouldn’t rain on the day we were going to the zoo…
    these were things like, our electric bill is due and we don’t have the money. The deadline came and went and now we’re sitting in the dark.
    It wasn’t a prayer request that God would provide a way for us to go to Walt Disney World – it was prayer that God would provide where our next paycheck was coming from!

    I came to a point in my life of not wanting to pray. Feeling there was no need.
    Because God’s will was going to happen regardless, right?
    And for some reason His will for me wasn’t to have electric or food or gas for my car, and that was fine.
    But I wasn’t going to “set myself up” emotionally to once again be let down. so.. I just wasn’t going to ask.

    The scar tissue of disappointment had built a thick barrier around my heart.

    Yes. Yes. I know that God only, always does what is best for us.
    That we don’t see the whole picture.
    That trials purify and suffering draws us closer to Him.
    No one could tell me anything I didn’t already know.
    I’ve heard it a million times.
    It was so engrained into me.
    Beaten in my head. And yes, that was it – it wasn’t in my heart.
    I knew that too. Knew that most of all.
    But truth was.. I wasn’t sure how to get it there.
    Squeezing your fists really hard and shutting your eyes tight while you say over and over, “I will trust you. I will trust you. I will trust you.” doesn’t exactly make it magically be absorbed into your heart. No matter how much you know that it needs to be. Want it to be. Wish it was. Wish it were. Wish you could be the modern Elisabeth Elliot of your day. That kind of faith.

    Instead. there’s a deadness. a hopelessness. a cynicism. even bitterness.
    You feel them suffocating your soul, and disillusionment sets in that this wasn’t the path you signed up for.
    Flipping through the road map going, “I know there’s a path that’s smoother. One with fewer rocks and sharp turns. One marked – EASY.” :)
    And you find yourself looking over at sister so&so who not only apparently has a less difficult journey, but she’s skipping along praising Jesus for her 100 dollar angora sweater she got for 25!!!!

    and before anyone starts composing a private message in their head to me about minimizing God answering the smallest of requests….
    I know He does {my ring}. I’m glad He does.

    but… I’ve just been thinking since my last post that I also know what it’s like to read something like that and think,
    “gee. that’s good for you, Amber. but I’m not exactly feeling that God is coming through for me lately.”

    You’re standing there with that foreclosure notice in your hand.
    That grocery bill that was more than you could afford.
    That negative pregnancy test on the sink.
    {this one especially near my heart since i was there not so long ago myself- “The English language lacks the words “to mourn an absence.” For the loss of someone we have all manner of words and phrases, some helpful, some not. Still, we are conditioned to say something. But for the absence, for someone who was never there at all, we are wordless to capture that particular emptiness. For those who deeply want children and are denied them, those missing babies hover like silent, ephemeral shadows over their lives. Who can describe the feel of a tiny hand that is never held?”} 

    Or that pregnancy you’ve prayed so long for end in miscarriage.
    That sick child you thought God would heal, now buried. 
    The look of disappointment on your son’s face when you tell him there’s no money to play football this year.
    Those lonely nights while your husband is working that second job.
    Or maybe no internet service to even read something like this because it’s been shut off from not paying the bill!!

    And I would like to say that HERE is my great insight from that dark time in my life. of feeling God was a thousand miles away and didn’t care. HERE is what I learned. HERE is what I now see. and HERE is what you can do too.

    but no. I don’t really have a here.here.here&here.
    there are some things that I will never understand.
    some prayers that I will never get why God didn’t answer…
    circumstances left the same.
    people left unchanged.
    “needs” that went unmet.
    and faith that wavered and weakened.

    Times that came and went where I was left looking up like, “God?”
    Reminding Him how much glory He just missed out on if only He would have answered. ;)
    Feeling confused by Him. let down. even hurt.

    Some people purse their lips and scold… “Now. Now.. be careful. God is God and you cannot humanize Him.”

    Yes. I know that God cannot be humanized – but I cannot stop viewing Him from my very human perspective.

    If anything… those dark times of the soul have taught – no, that’s not really the right word because I feel I still haven’t quite learned it yet. But rather, shown me that God is okay with my humanness. :) He is never surprised by my response. Baffled by my questions. Confused by my doubts. Or exasperated at my anger. He knows me. He understands where I’m at. He’s not standing there impatiently taping His foot and drumming His fingers. Even in those times when that 3 yr old inside me comes out in all her fit throwin glory that things aren’t going my way… even then, I can picture Him just kinda sitting down next to me. waiting. silent. 

    … and when all the kicking and screaming finally stops He looks at me and smiles. “Are you done now?”
    Then He opens up His arms extra wide and lets me run in.

    It doesn’t mean the answers immediately come.
    or that they come how I want them to, or think they should.
    Or that I suddenly feel all cool with everything.

    But there is this surprisingly, unexplainable….


    the kind of quiet that doesn’t have anything to do with what is happening externally.

    and no, it doesn’t change your circumstances. but somehow it changes your heart.


    So in writing this I wanted those of you out there who might be going through a time of doubt or darkness and feeling God is so far away and doesn’t care to know very simply on this rainy afternoon here in Ohio, from a nobody important sort of person that I’ve been there too. That regardless of how much you might try to minimize what you’re feeling or going through – your pain is just that. yours. And it stinkin hurts no matter how you try to slice, dice, spiritualize, or reason it away.

    You’re not alone in your journey. Trust me.

    but most of all – Trust Him.

    “The point of Christianity isn’t to learn alot of truths so you don’t need God anymore. We don’t learn about God in the abstract. We are drawn into His life.”     

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber

Comments (72)

  • amber, i wish i could hug you. this post is “me.” my soul in a nutshell. i can’t even comment more. if i was at FFE i would be crying. but since i am not there, i will just have to wish i COULD because my emotions are just zinging right now.

  • ….tears….  that’s all.

  • thank you, Amber. once again, your transparency cuts straight through to my heart! how can we be in such different places in life and somehow have so many of the same struggles?!? it’s another eighteen-hour double-job day for my husband, and I’m alone with the kids again. juggling, managing, training, working…alone. so common that it almost feels more normal than having him home! watching the bills and the pressures keep coming and piling and increasing, even with all the work and the effort and the saving. canceling trips because “miraculous” hasn’t happened. and wondering (while occasionally throwing a fit or five) what in the WORLD God is doing…and why. I mean, i KNOW why, mostly, but….WHY?! You know what I mean?

    yeah. i think you do. *smile* thanks for yet another timely reminder.

  • Love you, darling. Those are hard days.

  • Amber, you wrote this from the heart, but God had you write it for me…no, to me! I’m there today. I’m throwing my fit and I feel so unloved. I know the truth in my head, but my heart just isn’t getting it. Thank you…now off to my bed to cry some more.

    “I didn’t want to feel this way. I didn’t like it. I knew I was better than this, or should be. I knew I was stronger than that, or should be. I knew it wasn’t right. Wasn’t “the Christian thing to do”….”

  • yes…how it changes your heart as we discover riches that we never expected.

  • Amen to that!!
    You pretty much wrote out every thought and emotion I’ve had this week!! Thank you so much for this post.
    I have so many thoughts that I wish I could express, but the words just aren’t forming for me right now. I’m just so grateful that I found your Xanga…I KNOW the Lord lead me to you because I feel like I’ve learned from your experiences. I just want to thank you again, from writing from your HEART. Blessings!

  • Thanks for posting this, Amber! A lot of us can really relate! I’m still muddling through it all…don’t really have any “answers” either. I like how you wrote that the “scar tissue of disappointment built a thick barrier around my heart.” I can totally relate to not asking because “What if He doesn’t seem to answer? What do I do with that?” Again, would LOVE to sit and talk with you one day!

  • You write of great truth and wisdom I can relate to. Thank you for sharing from your heart.

  • Been there (often) and sometimes I wonder if down the road, we won’t all say, THANK YOU, GOD for NOT answering that prayer or this one!!!  The thing is, we only see the underside of the tapestry He’s weaving with our lives, I guess.  Then I think about where He says we don’t have because we don’t ask.  And I wonder if my asking is amiss.  And then sometimes, I just wonder if I think too much and trust too little ~ sigh, sigh, sigh!  Have a blessed week, Amber.

  • i am there….  i know it is/has made me a strong woman, but i think i would be ok with being less strong and not have to face this.  what if it never happens?  i like that picture of God sitting there waiting for me to get over my fit and then taking me in his arms.  think i will dwell on that awhile.

  • thank you!! thank you!! thank you!! I REALLY needed to know I wasnt the only one struggling with the ‘prayer’ issue! thank you!

  • I couldn’t have written it better myself. I have been struggling a bit myself. I love reading everyone’s blogs SO much, and always find great encouragement and “fellowship”, but sometimes through the eyes of a camera lens, people’s lives seem to be so much more “together” than mine. The nicely decorated homes, the awesome landscapes out their front windows, etc. things that are so miniscule compared to severe hardships people face every day. And yes, I know all the right answers as well “…in whatsoever state I am in therewith to be content.” I know all the correct Bible verses, but like you sometimes I just want to clench my fists and pout. Yet, I have SO much to be thankful for. I haven’t held that foreclosure note, or known the emptiness of not being able to be a mother, etc…God has blessed me beyond measure. I just appreciate you opening up your heart. I find it so hard to put my heart into words, but you did it for me. Thanks!

  • I have been there today…I just called my daughter who heard some of my complaints and negativity this morning to apologize for all that.  It wasn’t directed at her – not even so much at God, but more at myself.  Still, it was not honoring the One who loves me so much that He gave Himself for me.

    I wasn’t complaining that my sweet wife has gone to heaven.  I am happy for her.  My love wouldn’t be so selfish as to want to tear her away from there just to be with her.  No, I was complaining that my influence on others has not shown up as good in others.  Denying the work that God is doing in me and saying that “my” legacy won’t be what I had hoped.  The truth is that subtly I was faulting God.   This was worse than mere complaining about hardship.  God is faithful, though.  And He did as you said.  “Are you finished now?”

  • After reading your comments, it sounds like God has a great plan for my friend, Amber, and you are following His lead better than you think!!!

    Blessings to you always! cher’

  • I know just what you mean.

  • Beautiful post Amber! Somehow somehow I turn to read your blog and it always seems to be exactly what I needed to read and
    in the perfect timing.
    just this morning while working i was blogging away on word about how when life does not go as planned and it feels like God does not see me anymore? I’ve started asking God, Do you care?
    Thank you for being a Real Christian and sharing from your heart!
    What you shared is exactly where I am at. My hubby has now been unemployed for 10 months
    and i feel myself getting mad at God when all I have prayed for is a job for him..and no answer..just quiet.

  • I love coming here~ the transparency is refreshing.

  • I think most everyone can relate to this.  When I feel that God isn’t answering my prayers in the way I’d like and look at others that seem to have no struggles, that if I look just a little closer, they have their own set of problems and most of the time I wouldn’t want to trade mine for theirs. 

  • sigh~ your honesty encourages us to be honest with ourselves…and then you point us to the Truth~  you remind me of david~

  • Thank you for this post!

  • Funny how everyone else thinks that this was written for them…
    when I know, like reallyreallyreally know, that it was for me. :) You were writing about you, but it was all about me. Like you peeked inside my heart and knew about the dark places. trapped tears. all the pain that is just pain today. no answers. and no hooray about how much better and deeper I am supposed to be or will be because of it.

    Did you ever notice that it is the humans who are not ok with humanness?
    The Creator of it, GETS IT.
    Gets us.
    Gets you.
    Gets ME!

    thank you for sharing so very beautifully Amber. love you.

  • @down_onthefarm - 

    You just put that so, well.

    I was reading and thinking about how much this was ringing out of my own heart, but when i got to the miscarriage part something kind of squeezed me so i couldn’t breathe for a moment and my eyes stung… i really miss my 4 angel babies… and right now happens to be a dark time for me on the inside. Thank you for just writing what you felt because it ministered to everyone so much! And I for one needed it in a big way tonight! So thank you, Thank God.

  • Thanks for sharing this! You are so right!

  • Amber, bless you for your honesty and for sharing these well put words!  Tonight I feel rather numb….but, I want to come back and read this again sometime when I can soak it in….  Hugs!

  • awwww…this was for me too!  I’ve just been reading a bit of Job again.  We hear about the Faith of Job, and how he didn’t turn his back on God through his difficult times.  But some things stood out to me, like when his friends came to comfort him “they saw that his grief was very great”. Later he says that if his grief were fully weighed and his calamity laid with it on the scales, it would be heavier than the sand.  At times he sounds very despondent, but yet through it all, He still acknowledges God.  He says “I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth”.  I guess it made me feel better to see the “human” side of Job.  In the commentary of my Bible, it says “Job wondered why he had been afflicted and if God cared for him”.  Sounds familiar. =/

  • ….and at the end….when all is said and done….all He asks….. is that we remain FAITHFUL! 
    It’s easy to be faithful when we can rattle off a list of prayers that were answered in the way that we ask.
    But to be faithful when things aren’t workin’ out….
    to be faithful when life seems bleak and hopeless….
    when it’s just plain down hard….
    and you’re done hangin’ on….
    THAT’S faith!

    Love what you wrote!  I know that you know because of what you’ve written.  This is the kind of understanding that only comes from having walked the path! 

  • You’re such a stinkin’ blessing, girl!

  • Thanks so much for being so open and honest about the struggles you’ve been thru. I think God let you go through some of these things to be such a huge comfort to others. You have such a way of putting things…

  • You have helped me to see it’s ok to be human – that God understands our human perspectives – He said his ways are higher than our ways, his thoughts higher than ours. Basically I’ve been taught it’s “sin” to feel any negative emotion, so it’s been tough for me to allow myself to feel or know how to deal with negative emotions like you described for fear of “sinning” against God, as if he’s gonna make me suffer more for doubting him, questioning his sovereignty, for lacking in trust – it’s difficult to keep holding on when we pray and pray and pray and claim His promises and yet don’t see the fruition of our faith.

    Sat here this am with tears running down my face as I can so relate to your feelings, emotions that I’ve not been able to put into words – or rather allowed myself to. Thank you

  • i love this…
    and you…
    blessings to you today sweet friend!

  • i devoured every word. and will prly be back to read this again, and again. this is so something that i struggle with.

  • I love you sister!  That was just beautiful and so wonderfully real.  Thank you for sharing.  I’m praying for you during this time of waiting~

  • This is so, so well-written because it’s obvious you’ve been there and NOT forgotten. Sometimes it seems like even the people who’ve had to go through those times forget what it really feels like. I can’t believe how much of this felt like almost the exact same things I’ve said. Obviously we are not alone in our humanness even if it feels like we’re the only one going through the really, really tough time. I kept nodding my head, but especially with the whole, “don’t want to set myself up for disappointment so I just won’t ask” thought. Great words.

  • that was beautiful! i’ve been there. thanks for sharing.

  • To be able to understand every smile which breaks in my just like a wave, which finally breaks against the cliff of my eternity through the blood of my ancestors as my misconducts break in your eternity and that of your ancestors.

  • over the top beautiful and eloquent.

  • i just had to come back and say that this is one of the most beautiful posts i have ever read on xanga.

  • This has really touched my heart and I so can relate!! God has gifted you with words and I am blessed to have read them here today, now, this morning. Unanswered prayer is a whole subject of it’s own and yet I want to trust so badly sometimes it hurts. In the past few days I am reminded that God works in places I can’t see, sometimes He is working in changing people/things/situations and my impatience blinds me to to point of anger. I am glad I can rest it in His hands today.

    Thank you for sharing your heart ~ we have been blessed! ~ Di

  • I was just talking to my brother yesterday about some of this same stuff…. it’s so where I’m at right now.  Just so DO NOT understand God’s ways and sick of so much stuff in my life….  feeling like i’m a disappointment to God./ disappointed that God hasn’t come through when I’ve wanted him too…. feeling weak in my belief of who HE is….  being attacked spiritually for sure.

    Ronnie “got me” and i felt understood… and then he gently reminded me of the account in Isaiah with the vineyards God had prepared and no one came to enjoy…. ah, even HE knows disappointment.  And somehow, that was the comfort I needed to know i WAS understood.

    And this post Amber was the whip cream on the pie…..  And for today I again feel like I can say, “God, I believe.”

  • ambs….very well said. i have been here/am here many times…and i so often question whether the faith i have is big enough if there is no miracle in the end? it’s so easy to “count on” other people’s miracles….like the couple who split up and got back together after 15 yrs of seperation….or the family who was dirt poor that became millionaires overnight….or the kid who got away from a kidnapper and ran home to safety….or the family who was in a car accident and escaped with nary a scratch…yaddayadda…all because God was “taking care of them”.  but what about the couple who never worked things out…or the family who lived in poverty all of their lives…or the kids who are kidnapped and murdered….or the family who was in the accident and all 5 of the kids were killed??? WHERE was God then? did He not care? i just know that someday all of our questions will be answered…and i am fine with not having the answers now. thanks, amber.

    and i love the part about the angora sweater! :)

  • do you know the songwriters laura story and meredith andrews?  they echo your sentiments and sing about it beautifully~

  • thank you for your authenticity and for giving the rest of us the courage and inspiration to share our hearts! blessings to you.

  • Amber, I have nothing more to say than ~ You really need to write a book!!! Well, ok, I do have more to say. =) Thank you for sharing this, it was so good to read!  Hope you’re doing ok sitting there on that couch. I’ve been thinking about you. =)

  • back again. :)

    I’ve thought this before. maybe said it. wrote it. whatever.
    Part of pain for me isn’t just the agony of _______, it’s the loneliness that accompanies it.
    And yet, look. Look at how crowded pain… loneliness is.

    again, thank you for the real that you’ve been,
    that’s given me and so many others here
    a breath of Hope from Him.

  • I just want to let you know that reading your blog is truly an inspiration for me…I am going through an extremely difficult time in my life, wondering what I should do for myself, for my future. I feel incredibly lost…..and angry that I cannot feel any direction being given, upset that I cannot find a job… and you understand. That calms my soul to know that someone understands. Thank you. Thank you for reminding me that God will provide, just not on my time- only his.

    God Bless.

  • Thank You Thank You for sharing this… your post was recommended to me, and it couln’t be more timely! God knew what I needed today! A big “Hug” from me to you even tho’ I don’t even know you…I have so often prayed” God you know my heart”… I do desire to rise above the valley, but it is what I am travelling thro’ now!

  • “You’re not alone in your journey. Trust me.

    but most of all – Trust Him.”

    Thank you!

  • Thanks Amber!

  • I think our response to unanswered prayers is because we don’t really understand the gospel. We often are told when we become christians, “God has a wonderful plan for your life!” – well, he does, but in our flesh we translate this to mean that his wonderful plan is going to feel wonderful. When in reality the wonderful plan is to test and prove our faith through sufferings – to understand his sufferings for us more fuller.

    as christians, and or non, we have made God into a God that should give us what we want. not a God that would bring that which we don’t want to bring us to a point of brokenness. Brokenness doesn’t happen w/ out suffering, and w/out brokenness, we cannot be saved.

    I’ve walked through hell here on earth at times and wondered why — to find that the why was all about me being broken to be made into the likeness of Jesus Christ. you’re right, it’s not about just saying we trust God – it’s about understanding what suffering is for in this world and realizing it is what is used to reveal who we really are on the inside.


  • *sigh* You nailed it honey. Sometimes there are no answers. Thanks for being honest– you put into words what some of us wish we knew how to say. *hugs* c.

  • You have obviously hit a chord with many. Thank you for posting this.
    I must say a LOUD amen to the comment left by resolved2worship.

    I. LOVE. YOU. …and your raw honesty! <3

  • Oh Amber, what a good post!

    Though I’m not at this “dark” spot now, my journals (“whine festival”) will testify to the times I have been. When I was at my darkest (since salvation – I lived in waaaay darker spots before that :/), the book, “The Gospel According to Job: An Honest Look at Pain and Doubt from the One Who Lost Everything” (Mike Mason), really helped me see that God was not snarked at me for whining, complaining, and generally living in a 3 year-old’s fit. To paraphrase the author, God is not some doddering old man who is “shocked, just shocked” at our selfishness and childishness. Nor is he like some friends, who, when you snark at them in a fit of the flesh, they turn against you, or just cut you off. God is not “the walking wounded”, like so many of us, where they wound us because they are wounded, but He is the “walking healed and resurrected”. He is strong enough to take the whining and complaining and “I hate you’s” of His kids, and still stick with them, even if He doesn’t buy them the fruit loops that they got their panties in a wad over.

    I just read about a Pakistani woman in Texas who killed her two kids because they were autistic. She said, in her broken English, that she killed them because they were autistic, and she wanted normal kids.

    This is not God. He is not finished with us, even if we think we are finished with Him, however temporarily (like a complaining kid in the cereal aisle who is back to loving his mom two hours later at home).

    But, I wonder if we don’t jeopardize our inheritance if we die outside of fellowship with Him. Oh, if we are His kids, we’ll *still* be His kids, but will we have to watch the other brothers and sisters get more from Dad’s estate? Does He bestow more favor on those who sit with Him more in the nursing home, so to speak? I mean, this seems very right to me. Don’t we ALL think it’s wrong when a child who treated his dad badly, mooched and manipulated him, and was selfish and narcissistic, gets as much or more inheritance as the child who served and loved and spent oodles of his free time with his dad for no purpose other than to bless his father? And I’m not talking about the older brother of the prodigal son, whose “fellowship” with his father was obviously for selfish reasons.

    I love Jesus now so much more BECAUSE of my dark days, my wildernesses, where NO-ONE stuck with me, where everyone’s “victory” stories only sounded like condemnation to my ears. No one heard me. No one saw me. HE was the ONLY only one who stuck with me, who PURSUED me when I withdrew into myself. I mean, I’m not blaming those “others”: no one likes a grouch and no one likes to be around the self-absorbed. But God still liked to be around me. He still sought me. “Oh Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee.”

    And when I have my current wildernesses (none currently so deep, or long lasting, at least right now), He STILL seeks me. He sees me when no-one else does. He PURSUES me.

    Yeah, sometimes it’s with attention-grabbing pain. But that is better than apathy. Or self-interested ignorance (where someone ignores your obvious pain because it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable for them.)

    I think I gave you that book, dear friend. Please read it. It took me almost a year. It’s not a digest-in-a-short-time type of book. It’s read-a-bit, pray-and-cry-a-while, take-an-I-can’t-deal-with-this-right-now break, then repeat, type of book.

    And I pray I was not one who gave you a “victory song” when you were in mourning. I love you, and I love your heart, dear sister.

    Praying for you and baby Amber.

  • @MollyDraga - 

    ha! no.. don’t recall you singing me a “victory song” ;) you’ve been a pretty faithful walk beside friend and i love you.

    shayne and i read that book together- and yes, it took a long time. :) but so good and worth it. actually i think you and mark gave it to us.

    not in that “dark spot” now either. but good for us all to remember them..

    i don’t care how many degrees someone has. books written or read. or how much knowledge of the Bible… i am convinced, and no one can change my mind on this that a life of depth in Christ only comes through pain.

    of course knowing that still doesn’t make me like pain. nope. not real keen on it. and doubt i ever will be. ;)

  • This post was truth…Life bites sometimes but i love how u summed it up….the quiet-the peace in the midst of it is a gift…a truly amazing one!!!! Hope u r doing ok and that little one enjoying his/her last “stretch” in there.: ) God bless your day Lena

  • Amber, so well put! So everyone’s pain is pain…no matter what it is….and sometimes God doesn’t feel REAL, and just plain doesn’t cover our backs like we thought He could have….Maybe He just wants us to let Him know how we really, honestly feel, let Him just be God, and admit we’re human and it doesn’t make a bit of sense sometimes. I think I’m learning to sympathize better….and I so want to feel people’s hearts and their hurts and to have the Holy Spirit be able to use me to listen or give a hug. Blessings to you…..as you rest ;) hope all is going well and you are feeling peaceful. Don’t want you to be having to stress….wish I could take the kids for a few hours or drop a meal off….but know I’m praying. Jess

  • Very well stated! (((cool hugs)))

  • Well spoken. I’ve lived it and will do so again. He lives in our pain. I’m so grateful.

  • I love you! And your heart. I wish trust was just easy. ;) It would make this life so much simpler… But it would lessen His wonderful grace and who He is. Praying for you! ♥♥ ~N

  • I am so drawn to your openness and transparency… And as much as I am, I know Jesus is so much more! Hugs!

  • Praising God to have been led to this. I believe the truth that I am perfected and confomred to His image through suffering, but there is a comfort that is missing among believers to communicate we are not alone in sometimes doubting and questioning God. As I can see from other comments it is something we need reminded of occasionally. I am grateful for you vulnerablity and have been praying for you while on bed rest. This baby will come in Gods time!

  • Beautiful!  Thanks for sharing!

  • I just had to say… Thank you!

  • @dyedinthewool - 

    no, i don’t. what songs of theirs do you recommend? i’d like to look em up. always love discovering new music :)

  • laura story~ Grace, and Perfect peace (my favorite)
    meredith andrews~ Draw me nearer, You invite me in. And most of both of their music. Laura Story is the true author of the song “mighty to save”~
    sending warm thoughts~ jamie

  • @dyedinthewool - 

    thanks, jamie~ i’ll check those out

  • What a blessing! I had quite a faith crisis as I lost two sons in the second trimesters.  The crisis certainly wasn’t helped by well-meaning Christians whose attitude was, “Buck up, Christian soldier.  Pull yourself up by your boot straps and rejoice in all things.”

    Wish I had read this post back then…

  • beautiful post amber…..

  • What a great post. I am one of those who have waited for a pregnancy (for over 31 years) that has never come. During those darkest hours, I pray for the grace to get me through that moment, hour or day.

    My Dad was in a horrible accident a long time ago. I found this plaque I sent him. I had never seen the saying before and have never seen it again since. It said, “Sometimes God calms the storm. Other times He holds the child and lets the storm rage.”

  • I was going through my email, and I guess I hadn’t checked it so long that for some reason this post came up as the most “recent” update from you and as I read it I just cried and cried. It’s exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so much for sharing your heart Amber!

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