September 26, 2010

  • {andthentherewere4}

    Shayne and the kids are gone to church.
    It feels weird to be alone after a week filled with commotion and energy and excitement.
    Reese is laying next to me on the couch.
    Every time I look over at her I stare longer than I intend.
    To think – this time last week she was still inside me!

    And now.! amazing

    I went to see the musical production of Wizard of Oz last night with Kate and Ben.
    They’ve been talking about it for weeks and I had told them we’d just have to wait and see how things went…
    they never mentioned it again, but
    as it got closer I could see them anxiously studying me – trying to assess if I’d feel up to it or not. :)
    And even though I really didn’t, I went ahead and took them.
    Cause that’s what we do as mom’s isn’t it. :)
    I love seeing my kids happy and yeah, I can’t give them all they want – but I can give them what I can.
    Tickets and time at a musical isn’t that much to ask really. They’re great kids!
    They’ve been incredible since Reese was born – -
    helping out. asking if I need anything. sitting to chat. making me laugh.


    They both seem so much older to me now with a newborn.
    Sometimes when they’re talking about those things of great importance in their lives right now, like…
    the most amazing football play from the latest game. or all the ways unlimited texting would be a benefit. ;)
    I sit and listen entranced with the thoughts of,
    “who are you and what have you done with my baby?”
    My baby Kate and baby Ben that looked just like my baby Reese only 5 seconds ago.
    You hear over and over how fast the time goes but you never believe it. not really.
    Not until you find yourself in that defining minute yourself and suddenly are shocked that all those people were actually right!

    despite all the good and grateful I’ve been feeling I knew.. ..
    knew there would be that one initiating moment that was going to happen~
    probably when I least expected it and around the silliest of circumstances,

    of introducing the selfishness of my heart to the reality of life with 4.

    Because as much as I love my kids the ugly truth is I love me too. ;)  
    I try to keep that part hidden as much as possible. but.there.are.those.days.
    Days it comes spilling out no matter how hard you try to keep it stuffed in.

    It happened Friday afternoon…

    Shayne was gone. I was on the couch trying to feed Reese {which is not as simple as that sentence makes it sound. i won’t divulge details. poop is one thing.;) let’s just say – i’ll never win the nursing woman of the year award!} Emma was beside me excitedly asking what her next assignment in school was. Ben and Kate were being ruckusy in the next room and I called for them to calm down. A second later Ben emerges soak n wet saying Kate just poured water on his head because she was annoyed with him. Kate emerges to share her side of the story. I’m holding baby in one arm. A school book in the other. Trying to catch the blanket that’s across me with my chin to keep it from falling off as they start their whole, “he did. she did. did not. did so” routine – - while Emma tap tap tapped on my right arm with her impatience -and Reese gnaw gnaw gnawed with her lion like chops. that’s when I felt the tears. and that distant dreaded voice in my head,“I don’t think I can do this!”

    A voice I’ve heard often enough in my days of mommying…
    but somehow. this time it was different because… well, it is different.
    This is a new phase. A new chapter.
    Now there are 4.
    And though 4 isn’t 12, it’s more than 3.
    And that’s twice as many hands as I have!
    Honestly. no matter what the number- more is more.

    So I sat there. and thought of all the ways I was supposed to respond.
    What I should say. or more importantly, what I should not.
    I had words like grace and peace and calm and patience pass through my head… 
    but, when my mouth opened I don’t think any of those are what came out!
    {we shouldn’t judge kate gosselin too harshly.. i think we all have a bit of her in us somewhere} ;)
    I sent everyone outside {‘cept reese} ;) and sat there like the big cottage cheese lumpy person I’m feeling and waited for the tears to come.
    Funny. they never did. I felt them. Wanted to cry them. But instead I just sat.
    I would like to say I prayed. thought of a verse. or some inspirational somethings to motivate me.
    but nope. just sat. closed my eyes. and soaked in the quietness.

    And though I don’t always feel it in those moments, I know God is there.
    Because His being there isn’t conditioned upon me conjuring up the spiritual warm fuzzies I’m supposed to.
    His being there isn’t relying on a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g I DO whatsoever.
    Even if I don’t want Him there, still, He is.
    Because that’s what He does. and more than that – what He’s promised.
    And somewhere among all the emotions and hormones and selfishness I hear that questioning voice in my head answered with -
    “You’ll do with 4 the same that you’ve done with 3 – DEPEND ON ME.”

    And I’m not going to be all Pollyanna-ish and say I was a chilled out mom the rest of the day.
    I brought the kids back in. Asked their forgiveness for my spew and we all went back to what we were doing before…
    which yeah, some of which was bickering from the other room.
    the pestering tap of a anxious kindergartner.
    and trying to not go nuts from nursing.

    There’s going to be days that are just like that…

    Ones where nothing goes as you planned.
    Ones where you can’t seem to get with it no matter how much you try or pray or scream or sleep. ;)
    Ones you’re glad to see come to a close.
    But Ones that you look back on as you lay your pillow on your head – {when i re read this i caught my typo.. but then i thought.. ha! sometimes ya do kinda want to put your pillow on your head don’t you?? block out the world} :) But even then.. pillow on your head or head on your pillow…  as you look back over even one of those days you can see God’s fingerprints of faithfulness all over it! And I’m reminded again that these kiddos probably aren’t going to turn out because of me, but more than likely, in spite of me. :)  

    and He is just as Faithful.




    I told Kate when she was taking pictures of Ben and I to get my skinny side..
    to which she said, “it’s your cheeks that look too fat, mom. try making your face look less puffy or something….”

    “You mean like this….”


    Ben said, “no, it’s not her face it’s her hair. make it flatter, mom…”

    “Oh, okay. Like this…”


    uh-huh! that’s better.. no one will notice my puffiness now! ;)

    Ben also said I could try squeezing my thighs in on the side –
    “like I used to squeeze my butt before getting a spanking…”
    But I’m not secure enough to post those shots. ;)
    maybe a few more thigh squeezes first.

    haha! when it’s all said and done ya gotta just laugh at yourself don’t you…
    it’s a whole lot more therapeutic than not, that’s for sure.

    I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart.. for your love and your faithfulness…
    When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted.

    May we sing of the ways of the LORD, for the glory of the LORD is great…

    Though the LORD is on high, he looks upon the lowly…

    Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life…

    The LORD will fulfill [his purpose] for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever…. ps. 138

    whatever it is you’re facing in your life right now remember God is there! in the moment with you.

    and He’s sufficient.

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber

Comments (66)

  • Oh, I love your honesty!!  We have ALL had those days when we are pulled from all sides and just want to stand up and scream!!  (I did sort of have to laugh about the water over the head thing…thought mine were the only ones like that…LOL).  That crazy hormone thing doesn’t help either after having a baby!

    Your pictures are great.  The children are beautiful.  You’ll look back on this post in the future and smile, I’m sure of it!!

  • Amber….your skinny side….for real….I thought that’s the only side you have.

    You look beautiful as usual.
    and how do you get all FOUR to smile at the same time?

    And just how does time go so slow on the days when things aren’t going well,
    and yet the years fly by so fast?

  • So great! Love it. Congrats on the beautiful, tiny, precious girl! You ARE Blessed!!!

  • Oh Amber. She’s so pretty. And so are you! Hang in there. You are right… more is more. But MORE IS MORE!!!!! It changes all of us. I’m so thankful you are home safe. Isn’t it just the best. Enjoy her. Pretty soon – she’ll be squawking so loud in church that you’ll have to take your husband to the nursery so as not to make a scene from his laughing….. yes, that would be me today.
    love you.

  • Awww, you are doing well-better than I could imagine I would do. All your four are adorable :) —it’s amazing how God gets us through times in our life, times when we need Him so much and appreciate Him being there, even if we are too caught up in life to immediately give Him the glory. What amazing strength and joy He brings us.

  • you look beautiful! you have MAKE UP ON….I’m impressed!
    Before this past week, when asked if three to four was a noticeable change, I would shrug my shoulders and respond with, “Not really. It doesn’t SEEM any crazier.” Then, for the first time since Emma, one of the older ones was at Grandma’s for two nights….I COULD NOT believe the difference. Even though I was minus one who is totally independent and my work load didn’t seen lighter, it was just one less thing for me to think about! My answer now is just like yours, “more is more”!
    So happy for you guys.
    She really is a beautiful baby.

  • I told Emma that she had had Baby Reese for days now and was it my turn to take her home . . .  she gave that cute little grin and promptly told me ‘no’ . . .  guess I already knew what her answer was going to be. . . praying for you girlie. . . love to you all! Nana Biddle

  • @Mymom1 - 

    thanks sweet NanaB for my adorable new outfit.. mommy squealed when she opened it and i jumped! can’t wait to meet you. loTs oF loVe~ reese xoxo

  • Aw! You brought tears to my eyes. I have so been there, am there, will be there, whatever! This overwhelming feeling of “I can’t do this!” “…and if my children turn out at all, it will be in spite of me.” Yes, God is faithful. May you feel His arms this week as you continue to adjust to 4.

  • Aww, what beautiful pics of all of you! You are certainly blessed!

  • I’m right there with you on this one! I have had those same “panic moments” in my journey of going from 4 to 5. Also, after the c-section, I always feel in a hurry to get settled and going. And then out of nowhere, I’m in my bathroom crying for either some reason I can’t ascertain, or because I feel overwhelmed and start thinking, wait, I can’t do this! What am I going to do?? And then I feel dumb for crying and I have to remind myself, Oliver is only 11 days old, it’s okay to cry for no reason . . .LOL

  • She is so beautiful!!!! I will be praying for you. The first 3 months are so hard for me. And yes 4 is harder

  • so fun to drink in these beautiful photo’s.  reese looks like a perfect little munchkin and the love is so evident in the rest of the families eyes.

    lookin’ great hot mamma and i hope nursing will keep getting easier for you.

  • For just a moment I felt the tapping, the fighting and the nursing. Then I came back to me peaceful office. Boys are watching a movie and hubs is sleeping. Then I remembered that I do want more….even if it involves tapping, fighting and nursing, because I know we can do it. God is there. I like that promise too.

    The pictures are so beautiful, cozy, cuddly and FUN! You are blessed.

    Tuck WHAT?!

  • awwwww…..hug yourself for me. I think the newborn/nursing days are tough no matter how many you have or don’t have. (she says, from her position as mom of one). but really, i just hated the baby-blue tears and feelings of ‘i can’t do this’….so glad they don’t last forever! Someday you will find yourself in a new normal.

    you guys look so cute. You look great Amber, 1 week PP and you look fabulous. your kids are beautiful too.

  • thanks for sharing! “whatever it is you’re facing in your life right now remember God is there! in the moment with you. and He’s sufficient.” I started to have a small pity party the other day. And as I started to cry the Lord reminded me that He as right there with me in the middle of the pain and He had the strength I needed to get through it. I just needed to take it. He is so good to me!

    the pictures are adorable!!! I have a ton of classes at clermont… someday I’ll call ya and see if I can stop by for a while. first I gotta get over my illness, whatever it is. blah! :) love you lady! *HUG* can’t wait to meet your beautiful little girl! praying for you!

  • Oh, how I can relate!!!  Those first days with a new baby are so very difficult, and emotional, and draining, and exhausting!  I had a mom of 15 tell me once (when I had only 2 kids) that when she had two, it was a handful and that whatever number of children you have, that is a handful.  So true.

    You look beautiful- I love all of the pictures with you and your children.  I think I might have gotten one of me with all of my kids when Lily Kate was a newborn.  Pretty impressive that you got so many good ones!

    Praying for a peaceful, joy-filled week for you!

  • oh I feel for you! Those are tough times at first… it will pass…and way too fast usually!  I’ll be praying for you! Your pics are all beautiful and baby beautiful and beautiful family!!!!

  • Ahh…newborn baby days! So emotion filled. Emotions like…exhausted, happy, exhausted, blessed, and just plain exhausted! Having a new little one is
    certainly an adjustment for all But I think you are doing just great!! And you look beautiful too! Love the pictures of Ben and his “girls”!! Such precious
    and special pictures! You are certainly blessed.

  • Cute pictures…you’ll be happy you have them!  So how big was she?  Love her little head and face. 

    I’m worried now…I’m going to be making the transition from 3-4 in a few months.  I’m hoping it’s not as crazy as all the other transitions!  My children are “older”now, than when I brought my 3rd home.  My oldest is 5.  I suppose I should brace myself for the inevitible transition. :)   The 1st month is/was the hardest for me.  Hang in there!  :)   The 1st few weeks go very quickly, once you’re through them. :)

  • What a good reminder that God is always there. I needed that tonight!

    Reese is just so stinkin’ cute. As are you. :o ) You look beautiful. What great pictures of you and your kiddos!

    How is your <3 doing?

  • lol..I don’t think you could look fat or have a fat face even if you puffed out your cheeks and gave yourself an afro :)
    you are beautiful! pre-baby, pregnant and post-baby
    such cute pictures…and yes we all as moms have had moments like those.
    Thank for being real :) Megan is just soo adorable

  • Such a beautiful family — just take one day at a time — it goes soooo fast!

  • i just love how real you are!
    and you look incredible!

  • Oh Amber, I love the “thin” pictures!  You made Mike and me laugh.  I’m glad that even during this time of adjustment and exhaustion that you can still find the humor in things.  Love ya!

  • Love all your new pics….you look lovely to me….a way thinner side than I’ve ever had with a week old baby ;) . Don’t I know those days of spewing things I never thought I’d say as a Mom, but ya just say sorry and go on. Hoping that some day those days are fewer, but knowing it’s only by the grace of God I’m growing at all…so we keep walking, laughing, crying, and yeah, even puttin’ the pillow over our heads ;) . Blessings on this next week…hope Reese lets you get lots of rest and the nursing goes a little smoother. Hugs, Jess

  • She is just such a little sweet darling, and has a gorgeous mother, beautiful sisters, and handsome brother. What a treat to see you all.
    Those newborn days are so tiring and sometimes ouchy, so take care of Amber and get all healed up. So glad the Lord is with you through it all!

  • Hahahahaha! Oh, man, Amber. I wish my hair and my cheeks and my pre-spanked thighs could look as great as you do without any of those things! You’re beautiful and lovely and above all else, human. God didn’t ask you to be a robot! <3 Thanks for being so real. Don’t worry. If you didn’t fall to pieces once in a while, you’d give your kids a huge inferiority complex when they grow up ‘cuz, you know, they never saw any princesses in high school eventually fall flat on their faces. You’d be raising the bar too high if you weren’t occasionally fallible!

    Your family looks so beautiful now.

  • you are beautiful my dear…but i do like the ‘faces’ you made to look ‘less puffy’. what a beautiful bigger little family you have. soooo excited for you. thank you for sharing about the journey of being a mom…i can’t even imagine having little people to take care of…i can barely take care of myself some day.

    love you! thinking of you!

  • P.S. Your “fat cheeks” – women pay a lot to get fat cells injected in their cheeks to look younger. You seem to have hit the jackpot for growing it there naturally, with exactly the supermodel look they’re after. ;)

  • Open, transparent and beautiful!

    You and the kiddo’s take wonderfull photo’s!


  • Your post brought back the memories!!!! Sitting on the sofa, Wisdom Book in one hand, reading it, and newborn in the other arm~nursing! You  will become a MASTER of mulitasking!  Each one added to the family is such a blessing, but with it comes just alittle more responsibility and stress.  My favorite catch phrase for those years was “let the rest of the world go by”…this one thing I do right now is most important! The other was “The hand that rocks the cradle~rules the world!!”  …..when I felt sometimes powerless~ I would invision all the great and mighty things my children would grow up to do…..that always spurred me on to try to do my best at mommying!  Your children are so beautiful, gifted and precious!  Relax, enjoy, being able to stay home with your babies is such an incredable gift!  You are doing a fantasic job, keep up the good work….someday, you will be so happy and glad you did!   “He maketh me the joyful mother of children!”  (*my paraphrase~but know it’s in the book!)  You look great! We’ll be praying for the heart issue…..Blessings to you and your sweet family!  Mrs. B

  • Ok, so really. You get to be one week pp and make funny faces and still look good? How fair is that? :) I don’t think you could look bad in a picture if you tried. Oh, and I so get you on that more is more sentence. Or. Well, I think I do. Since I’ve only had two kids what do I know? ;) How this week goes well for you and you get to put the pillow over your head every once in awhile. :)

  • The cheeks may be fuller, but they look fresh and youthful, in my opinion! You’re just as beautiful, just different-beautiful!

  • I loved this post because I related to it very, very much. Was just there with you. Your baby is so, so, so, so cute!!!! Hope you had a restful weekend and that this week is a smooth one. Love.

  • I just wanted to tell you that even though my babies are 27, 26, & 24, I still remember those days of wondering if I could “do this”.  I remember sometimes putting one or more of the babies in their cribs (we had two cribs in one room, and a toddler type in the other!) and just walking outside for 5 or so minutes where I couldn’t hear them crying!  Oh so hard, feeling like a failure!

    Those days got fewer, and now they are only a memory, and just like the poem, when I look back, I see evidence of the Lord carrying me through the sands of those days.

    I think now as I care for my Mama that those days prepared me for these days!  (I have to admit to sometimes wishing a spanking would do as much good with Mama as it did with kids!)

    Y’all are all beautiful!

  • Congratulations!! (i have been out of town … our last daugher just got married!!)

    Oh the memories of 4 little one’s…  :) some things i miss…and then…some I don’t…lol nursing the newest and getting after the others…YIKES!! 

    when my 3rd was an infant…i was nursing him and my 2 oldest were fighting in the kitchen…ended up dumping..dropping…a picher of kool-aid…I went in to :  break up the fight…get drinks…clean up the mess… I rased up…youngest in arm still…head craddled in my right arm…stood up (from wiping floor) and caught my little guys head on the oven door!!!!!!!….it brings tears to my eye even now!!! I had to take him in and get 3 stitches!! Talk about feeling like a horrible mom! Sheesh!! taking him in and then having to tell your doctor that you wacked his head on the oven door!!! oh my word!!  no MOY award that year!! lol …he still has a scar…we laughed about it recently..he had shaved his head…yep…and there it was!!…I blamed the girls …  his older sisters…he enjoyed that!! lol  : )  …but it was a horrible feeling…. 

    I will pray that God will grant you grace when you need it.

    and just for the record… you look great~!! 

  • You have such a way of communicating with raw honesty but still such a sense of grace. Love it. Smooch that little doll-face for me! :)

  • Such a terrific looking family. Thanks for sharing!

  • ooooh.  I had the craziest week of my life with no time to hang out here and I MISSED IT!  I have a lot of catching up to do.

    Congratulations and blessings to you all.  Welcome, little Reese!  And I’ll be praying for you on your hormonal roller coaster–many virtual hugs!!

  • Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family – Love what you said when you wrote “His being there isn’t relying on a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g I DO whatsoever.”

  • Look at you! just look at you! you just flat out look amazing…making those faces and all.:) for having just had a baby, you look really, really good!
    and, your day of ‘spewing’….i have those days allthetime, and i don’t have a newborn i’m trying to nurse. :( you’re so right tho’….Depending on Him is what i need to do, but why? is it so much easier to flip out?
    i hope those nursing woes get better….you’re not the only who will never win the nursing mother of the year award!
    and, again. just look at you! you just look fabulous.
    your little Reese is sooo precious! i just want to pop over and squeeze her!!
    love ya!

  • “But Ones that you look back on as you lay your pillow on your head

    I just noticed that you capitalized the “Ones” in this sentence, and it made me think…  If you take it out of context and drop the “s” (yeah, when you catch something on the upscroll, sometimes it takes on a new look) then there’s ONE you’re looking at when you put your head on pillow or vice versa.  And I thought, yeah–that’s the answer.  Looking back on the moments, theres ONE who overshadows it all and covers it all and makes it all perfect, no matter how difficult it’s been.  Lay your head down in His lap and rest, sister. 

  • a great post for me to read this dreary morning! thank you!! Your so inspiring!

  • Congratulations Amber & Shayne! What beautiful pictures of you and your four children! I have a niece named Reese too~love the name! Love you! ~Julianne

  • Four is a ton of kids! ! ! how do you do it? seriously, when I see someone out in the store or something w/ four I’m like, “Hon, look at all the kids she has.” And we smile. Because we remember when we had four and it was a ton. Never had the nursing prob. but I’ve heard it’s a toughy – hope things get easier as you go along. Great pics of all of you guys! Haha on the puffy – I’m puffy more after pregnancy sometimes in the face, than before. Heard drinking lots and lots of water actually helps.
    have a good one!

  • LOVE these pictures!! They look so natural, like this was the first moment the kids saw the baby and they are thrilled to pieces. Just love it! Your kids seem like they’re at such a fun age to have a baby sister. Sure, you have some school challenges :) but it seems like they would just enjoy the baby so so much. Does Ben feel a bit outnumbered by this point? :) Beautiful, beautiful family you have. And YOU  look AMAZING. The picture of radiant womanhood, motherhood, and femininity! And the baby is gorgeous! So precious to see the  baby we prayed for for so long!!

  • sooooo glad that i took my pillow off my head this morning…
    to find His New Mercies,
    a large cup of coffee,
    and lots and lots of kids.
    {note how important and intentional the order of the above list}
    and to see and read about how your more is more…!!! and He is just as faithful.

    so precious. your thoughts here about something already on my brain.
    He is there. and His faithfulness is not dependant on mine.
    love that about Him.

    your photos are just well gorgeous. YOU are! and the ton of kids. and i still love you. :)
    even though i’m thinking that’s puffy? and wait a minute. one week pp? fair shmair. it’s not! :)
    i am just loving those little shoes on Reese! {you are calling her Reese? not Megan?} so cute.

    hugs and love and oh! just lots of gratefulness! for you and your little family…
    Happy one week BIRTH day!

  • Amber, the end of this post made me literally laugh out loud and then cry real tears. Thank you for sharing your sweet heart and family. You are an inspiration to us all!

  • Oh Amber, she is just beautiful ~ such a sweet baby!!!  Curious though ~ you are using her middle name?  Sounds so cute ~ baby Reese.  I love both Megan and Reese though ~ was just curious about it    . . . and now are ya gonna be Hutch6?    and by the way, you are skinny everywhere ~ not to worry!  LOL!

  • I have seen hundreds of pictures of you over the years I have been ‘following’ and if I am being totally honest, I have never seen you look better.  You just look so happy.  You almost glow.  So happy for you and your family.  HUGS.

  • Oh, girlfriend!  I am laughing so hard right now, because I can relate so well to everything you said here!  I say once you are out numbered it is busy, wether there are 3 or 12 like you said.  The nursing thing, well, let’s just say I am a failure there.  In my former life (before 6 kids) I was a RN.  I taught women how to nurse their babies, I gave the spill that anyone can nurse if they try hard enough, then I had kids.  With my first I made it 6 months, the second 8 weeks and nearly starved the poor child to death, the twins – no chance in the world with 4 kids 4 and under, baby #5 made it a week nursing him, and baby # 6 lasted 10 weeks.  Come to find out I was making him sick.  He was allergic to something I was ingesting.  The doctors said to just stop…, so I have a hooter hider I can send you if you want, cause I know I will never use it again!  And, of course, when you sit down to try to feed that precious baby that is when everyone needs you.  This last time around I had to ask for forgiveness more than I would like to admit.  Thankfully there is a scripture that says, “Love covers a multitude of sins.”  I typed all this to say, I am sure you are doing a great job, and you are not alone.  You all look wonderful!  Praying today is a good day.  And I am serious about the Hooter Hider (the nursing cape).  I gave one away already but I have a really cool brown one you are welcome to.  Just message me if you would like me to mail it to you.  I purchased it last year from Bebe au Lait shop online.    Blessings~ Deborah

  • @Hutch5 - And I can’t wait to meet you too!!! Tell momma that NanaB would love a pic. of the new outfit on the new baby girl!! :o )

  • Loved the pictures, and you just being real – like all the rest of us!  You do get past those days and then wonder where they went!  I don’t know where the “fat” is but I must say, you look fabulous!

  • you’re amazing girl! I think I would have canceled school for the rest of the year after having just had a baby :P And on that note, you look awesome for just having one! Even though you don’t think you’re skinny at the moment…I think you look cute and skinny from the pictures :)

  • Congratulations!!!!!  Loved all the pictures and everything you wrote.  So happy for a safe delivery!!! ~Lauren

  • I was laughing so hard reading this post!  I love the last pictures…and, um… we have on jeans WITH a button?!?!?  I think you look so great, so beautiful! I’m not just saying that either, you really, really are so pretty!!!  AND, there is not one ounce of fat on you!  Skinny side, Hah!  
    Ahhh, a new baby in the house. They disrupt the whole schedule no matter how scheduled you are, don’t they?! I could almost feel that pinchy feeling when you talked about nursing baby, ouch!  It’s always that three month mark that things seem to settle back into a routine, until then, well, you just gotta go with the craziness. I always felt like the whole world was going on around me, and I was stuck on the couch nursing, and nursing and changing, and then nursing and feeling like you said “I can’t do this!” 
    I actually said that last week and I don’t have a baby! I told Jeff I was getting my own apartment just so I can have a room that stays clean longer than 5 minutes!!!
    What a special time this is. Your family is so, so cute. I’m sure your kids are enjoying Reese so very much!  She is precious!  I want to squeeze her and give her a kiss on those soft little baby cheeks! (You can give her one for me! ;) )

    Happy Day to you.

  • You are beautiful! Don’t let those “baby blues” tell you otherwise! Love your pictures! Such a beautiful family….inside and out!!!

  • I love the pictures. :) Even the “thin” ones.. lol Yes, I have to agree sometimes we have to just laugh at ourselves to keep from crying. These days with my hubby gone and especially when it feels like everything is going wrong at the same time. I needed this post.. Thanks for sharing your heart and letting us know that we all have those crazy moments in our lives. :)

    God bless and hugs,

  • Thanks for accepting my invite! You have touched a chord in my heart! Beautiful family and children, gifts from the Lord. Awesome pictures and very nice writing. I am a mom of 8 with my oldest just recently married and my baby boy gone off to kindergarten. The time DOES fly! You must homeschool? I know people who do. Bless you! I am not at a point to try it though my kids beg me to. God continue to be there! Praise His name that He is!

  • @CBrown6207 - 

    still ticking. ;) i go soon to see the cardiologist~ should know more then

  • @fwren - 

    yes, we’re calling her Reese. :)

  • Loved this post. Even though I’m finally getting to it days later!

    The pictures…  Adorable!

    And you look so very pretty. No matter how you contort your face!

    And I loved the reminder that God is God whether we have three or four or six kids!  Amen!

    Here’s to hoping your week is going well!

  • Praying for you, and that the doctors will have perfect wisdom into your situation!

    Have a great night! :o )

  • beautiful pics!! Reese is darling and you are looking great as well!  love your humor…esp the part of “Reese gnaw,gnaw, gnawing with her lion like chops”- I so get that right now : ) i was cringing and laughing at the same time. Enjoy the weekend! 

  • Hope you aren’t over doing it, girl!  Rest, lay around, drink LOTS LOTS of water.  Eat comfort food (I always liked grilled cheese and soup after a baby).  Be a queen and have your “subjects” (older 3) wait on you hand and foot.  It’s good for them to serve their mama.  If you need to get out of the house (i know that feeling, too) go someplace where you can come back home rested (bookstore?).  Keep in the Word (feeds your soul).

    THe pictures are great but here is a tip:  don’t focus on your “skinny” side.  You look great now and you would look great with extra, too.  We love you the way you are Amber-dear.

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