Month: July 2010

  • I came across this old blog post of mine from 08 about forgiveness… funny how that seems to be an area that never seems to get any easier. As often as it rears it’s ugly head in my life I still feel I’m so far from truly grasping hold of the power found in that one little word. I’m sure I will forever be learnING more and more exactly what it means - Here’s where the original post and comments are found. But thought I’d copy & paste it on today’s date too. Reading through my words and emotions from a few years ago was good for me -sobering too. I needed the reminder! Cause there doesn’t ever seem to be that place in life where forgiveness doesn’t apply. isn’t needed. is spiritually outgrown. or suddenly a one time instant fix for the pain of the past or what we might be facing right now. Praying your heart is encouraged in the journey to freedom as well…. 

    The Theater of Life.

    Fiddler wasn’t the only production that took place last weekend~

    there was another.

    the cast was much smaller. there were no fancy backdrops or costumes. the script was impromptu. and the audience held but ONE.

    it took place on the stage of my heart. acted out upon some of the darkest, deepest crevices within…


    as the curtain opens – it’s Friday night. I’m on my way out to the van where Shayne and the kids are waiting.. a “friend” stops me. there’s something she needs to say. something in my life that has really “angered” her.

    I felt my face turn hot. my heart began pounding hard. and my mind whirled with a million different thoughts and emotions. at first my response was okay – “thank you for sharing this.” but as I turned to walk away and one last thing was said, the haughtiness and condemnation it was laced with hit my heart dead center on a chord I tried to keep wound so tight – - yet, I felt it start to unravel… releasing all the pinned up hurt and emotions held there.

    my hand reached for the door, yet my flesh leapt forward and my temper flared – I turned and shot back what I hoped was equally as painful words to her – then pushed the door open hard and walked out. the warm night air felt cool against my hot face.

    I got in the van and turned looking out the window into the darkness, blinking back the tears that were brimming in my eyes. I wanted to jump into the darkness and disappear – if I wasn’t here perhaps people would have someone else to watch and find fault with!


    “what’s wrong babe?” Shayne asked.


    “Really? I’d say you’re about to cry…”

    “no…………. YES.”

    as I conveyed the story to him and came to the end – the part where I had my say. the part where I didn’t just stand there and take it – the part where I saw the tinge of hurt cross her face… I thought I’d feel more satisfaction. more justice. more pride.

    i.   felt.   convicted.

    immediately I began to tell the Lord how my few words of anger were nothing in comparison to her hissing words of judgement… try as I may God kept fast forwarding the scene to ME -

    just. me.

    it was as if He was telling me her part in the scene was obsolete. insignificant. unimportant. on this stage I was the only one standing there ~

    blue eyes


    i remember when i was a young teenager being hurt really badly by someone – - my dad sat on the edge of my bed that night.. and I’ll never forget the seriousness of his face, nor the intensity of his words ~ i remember them nearly quote perfect…

    “Amber, regardless of how wrong someone else is you are never justified to harbor bitterness in your heart. you have no choice – you MUST forgive!”

    “But how?”

    “That’s for God to teach you – so you better pay close attention to HIs voice. I feel like this will always be a “theme” throughout your life – choosing to hang on to bitterness. or letting go in forgiveness. and the greatest lessons God will teach you will come through the suffering others will inflict.”

    how many.many.many times those words have echoed in my ears – as they did once again Friday night. and, same as always I had my usual response – “Lord, couldn’t’ you use a different method to teach me?”

    IMG_3197  IMG_3240

    but I KNOW – even though it doesn’t make me like it any more.. that it is only through pain that I learn the HEALING my Savior has to offer – - pain comes in many ways, yes. but no other pain is more acutely felt than that brought on by people.

    I have this quote written in my journal – “People who hurt us don’t always intend to hurt us – they were never even thinking of us — they were thinking about themselves, their lives, just them.”

    yet when the hurt comes – we cannot cling to it. we MUST let go. forgiveness is not for THEM…

    Forgiveness is for us!



    it’s become a favorite cheer among Christians today~ we hear so much talk about Freedom in Christ… honestly, at moments I feel if I hear that phrase one more time I’ll gaulge my eyes out! To me, some of the ones who scream FREEDOM IN CHRIST the loudest are some of the very ones buried in the deepest bondage there is – the BONDAGE of BITTERNESS.

    which to me – having lived in that prison for years, is the hardest bondage of ALL to break.


    the outward stuff is easy – the change of a hairstyle. a skirt. type of music – these things are NOT freedom.. they are preferences. choices. styles. tastes. likes. dislikes. convictions – whatever you want to call them.

    but FREEDOM – genuine chains broken captives set free freedom takes place in the places no one ever sees – - that’s why it’s so easy to stay imprisoned – no one sees what takes in the heart of hearts. the thoughts rehearsed. the anger that simmers. the vengeance longed for.

    a few years back there were several relationships in my life that CONTROLLED me ~

    they controlled me because I could not forgive – I was in the prison of bitterness within my own heart. a prison so dark. so lonely. so hopeless and depressing. yet a secret to many (most) of the people in my life…

    no one knew the DAILY struggle of emotions. the barrage of thoughts. the anger at the injustices. the tears of frustration of no hope, no end in sight.


    try as I might I could not break free. I could not quiet my fears. I could not take my thoughts captive – they held ME captive.

    … daily pulling against the chains that so bound me – that seemed to be taking away my very LIFE. the harder I pulled the weaker I became –

    days where I didn’t want to get out of bed.
    days of fear.
    days of not being able to eat.
    days of no joy. no light.

    prison is like that

    But the day came – or rather the night – while crying and begging God for deliverance He spoke to me and revealed that the deliverance was ALREADY THERE!

    I was sitting in a cell with the door WIDE OPEN. the chains that I thought were holding me were of my OWN making – -

    sitting pretty    IMG_3263

    I always felt I could never be free from the bitterness that tormented me unless the specific ones who had hurt me came and ASKED for my forgiveness. unless they ADMITTED their wrong.

    (of course we can say in our hearts – “I forgive!” but to be truly released – I thought that wasn’t possible unless there was a full restoration on both sides)

    what the Lord began opening my pride-infected eyes to was that forgiveness isn’t like the basket of rolls on the table you pass to someone when asked for – -

    it is the basket each and every one of us hold in our hands – filled with the BREAD OF LIFE Jesus Christ – and it is OUR CHOICE to pass it out to whomever we will.

    IMG_3086   IMG_3216

    amazing as I began to CHOOSE to forgive – whether asked for or not – I felt the chains of hardness. self pity. pride. bitterness begin to fall off link by link.

    it wasn’t easy. isn’t easy still.

    our flesh wants to make that one pay – and since we can’t physically make them pay we often seek our revenge in ACTING like nothing is wrong. we cannot let them see or know how they hurt us. the tears we’ve cried. the nights we’ve stayed awake. we seek to PROVE that their cutting words do nothing to us. we’re above that. better than that~

    but instead of punishing them with our masquerade of freedom – we only dig the pit of bitterness deeper and find ourselves sinking further still into it’s suffocating depths.

    PRETENDING all is okay may fool most of the people – but it is not lasting… and eventually whatever we have filled our hearts up with WILL come spilling out for all to see. to see a life overflowing with bitterness is never a pretty sight. to see one overflowing with the love and peace of Christ – you could stand and stare ALL DAY!



    so HOW do we forgive?

    we reach into the basket we’re holding – filled with Jesus and draw out HIS love. HIS mercy. HIS compassion. even though everything inside of us is screaming in protest that they do not deserve it –

    and they don’t

    but they NEED it


    i’m grateful for the COUNTLESS times in my life others have dipped into their baskets and handed me JESUS – instead of what I deserved!



    Nothing changes.

    forgiving someone does not mean you are instantly best friends. that suddenly you’re doing coffee and chatting on the phone. some relationships WILL NEVER change – because people never change.

    to me that is both sad and yet freeing too – - there are relationships in my life that I LONG to have a deeper level with. but also, realizing it will just never be that way – it just is what it is – is also releasing to me, realizing I don’t have to “try so hard!”

    some relationships are like candy apples – you keep putting layer after layer on. polishing it until it shines.. but no matter how good it may LOOK – it still is what it is underneath all the layers!

    we ARE NOT responsible for how others choose to respond. we are only accountable for our OWN heart…



    the whole way home Friday night I wrestled with what I knew God was telling me to do.


    I pulled out my cell phone and called.

    what happened drove me to tears – this time happy ones.

    baby n me  IMG_3429

    I asked her forgiveness…

    …and she MINE!! she said God had also been working in her heart the whole way home. she knew she was too harsh. too judgemental. her words prideful – and she was wrong!!

    I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to hear someone say they were wrong – - not in a “a-ha!” way, but in a very humbling GOD IS SO BIG way!! I can probably count on one hand the number of times where I have felt misjudged or attacked and that person has actually asked forgiveness –  some people hem-haul around and mumble some sort of sorry under their breath. or try to nice you to death next time you see them — but those who genuinely say, “I was wrong will you forgive me!” hmmm.. don’t know if that sentence consist in most vocabularies nowadays.

    “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor (continuous talking), and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice (vengeful gossip):

    And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, FORGIVING one another – even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.” Eph. 4: 31 & 32





    so as the curtain closes upon the little production that was acted out upon the stage of my heart i take a bow to the ONE watching in the audience. the ONE who directed me so lovingly. the ONE who produced what only HE can – a show honoring and glorifying to His name!

    as i walk off stage i stop and look back at the prop i chose not to use. the chains of bitterness – they lay there cold and unattached in a messy heap – i hope the next actors who play here will choose not to use them ~

    i smile, turn and walk out the door into the bright blinding light of the SON – i lift my face upward soaking it in…

    I. AM. FREE

    and it isn’t any act.




  • {reality mom}

    You know you’re a mom when….

    Checking out in a popular teenage store where you were buying birthday presents for your nieces,
    and fumbling to get your wallet from your purse, out drops your 4 year olds pink & purple Barbie underwear on the counter….

    You glance up at the super manicured looking sales guy who’s eyes go from the underwear to your belly, then back again.

    And as you stand there for that eternal awkward second…
    feeling the eyes in the line behind you,
    knowing any attempt at an explanation of what happens when a 4 year old proclaims, “i dotta doe potty white now… ” is pointless -
    You try to ignore the hot flash of embarrassment creeping up your face,
    as you quickly wad up the pretty Barbie faces smiling back at you, stuff it deep into your purse, and say…

    “Well, ya gotta love that Spandex!”



    …..some quotes that made me laugh recently…..

    “The phrase ” working mother ” is redundant.”    

    “My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint.   

    “I’m not going to vacuum ’til Sears makes one you can ride on.”     

    “I’d like to be the ideal mother, but I’m too busy raising my kids.”

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber


    What’s been some of your reality mom moments??

    Leave a comment and answer: You know you’re a mom when________________.

  • {God at Breakfast}


    This morning at breakfast Emma asked,

    “does Dod hab wike tons of power?”

    “He sure does?”

    “is he wike able to jump ober big buildings n fings?”

    “I guess He could if He wanted to.”

    “is he weally weally tall and takes up wots of space?”

    “Yes. He’s everywhere.”

    Her forehead frowned and she sat thoughtfully for a minute…

    “but benny twold me Dod wiffz here in our house wif us?”

    “And He does…”

    I could see the question about to come so I went on -

    “God is so big and so powerful and able to be everywhere in the world all at the same time and yet He chooses to be here with us too… sitting right here next to us while we eat breakfast! Do you think He likes pancakes?”

    She wrinkled her nose and laughed as I went on….

    “God loves us so much. and He likes being with us. I think He likes being with us more than jumping over big buildings and stuff….”

    I wasn’t sure if I should say more.
    I waited to see by her expression if it was registering in her little head.

    Then, I watched as she got up and walked over to the empty chair at the table and began pulling it around, closer by hers. When it was as close as she could get it she climbed back up in her own, picked up her syrupy fork, and said in a matter of fact no big deal kind of way - 

    “Dare. I want Dod to sit white by me!”


    I think she got it.

    And hopefully we’ll all “get it” today and be encouraged by the thought….

    That God, the Omnipotent All Powerful Creator of this world – whom the Bible describes as, “…. having a head as white as wool, as white as snow. and His eyes were flames of fire. His feet were like brass, like a burning furnace. and His voice like the sound of many waters. He had in His right hand seven stars, and out of His mouth went a sharp two edged sword – {I love this next part} - and His face was as the sun that shineth in His strength. And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as one that was dead. And He laid His hand on me{a God of relationship} – and said, “Fear not. I am the first and last. I am He that liveth, and was dead. But behold, I am alive forevermore, amen. And I hold the keys of hell and death……” {revelation 1:14-18}

    THAT God…..
                             He CHOOSES to be near us!!!


    Makes me want to move my chair closer too.

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber


    have a Happy Monday~ 

  • {it doesn’t always go that way}

    It was almost a year ago now. But I remember it as if it just happened.
    I can see where I was standing on the church parking lot. What I was wearing.
    I can hear my friends voice as it rises higher and higher in an excited tone.
    The plastered smile on my face while nodding my head.
    The deliberate concentration to listen.
    The excited tone I tried to match to hers.

    And the whole time fighting an incredible urge to stick my fingers in my ears and yell, “shut up.shut up. shut up!!”


    “It was just amazing, Amber!!! I mean at the very last minute God came through, just like He always does. And not only did He answer our prayers He went above and beyond by…..”

    My mind blurred somewhere at that point, because I don’t recall exactly what all the “bonus” parts were. But I recall getting in the van a few minutes later, turning my face to the window so my husband wouldn’t see the hot tears escaping the corners of my eyes. I brushed at them angrily. I didn’t want to feel this way. I didn’t like it. I knew I was better than this, or should be. I knew I was stronger than that, or should be. I knew it wasn’t right. Wasn’t “the Christian thing to do”….

    at the moment, though. I really didn’t care.
    yeah. I’m super mature that way!
    I know life’s not all about me – but I sure as heck wish it were at times.

    My struggle was while I was standing listening to my friends awesome answer to prayer, I was mentally reciting off my list of unanswered ones! {and seemingly within the very same week!}

    “God came through, just like He always does….” No. I couldn’t say that He had for me.

    These weren’t things like not missing Pottery Barn’s 75% off sale. Or that it wouldn’t rain on the day we were going to the zoo…
    these were things like, our electric bill is due and we don’t have the money. The deadline came and went and now we’re sitting in the dark.
    It wasn’t a prayer request that God would provide a way for us to go to Walt Disney World – it was prayer that God would provide where our next paycheck was coming from!

    I came to a point in my life of not wanting to pray. Feeling there was no need.
    Because God’s will was going to happen regardless, right?
    And for some reason His will for me wasn’t to have electric or food or gas for my car, and that was fine.
    But I wasn’t going to “set myself up” emotionally to once again be let down. so.. I just wasn’t going to ask.

    The scar tissue of disappointment had built a thick barrier around my heart.

    Yes. Yes. I know that God only, always does what is best for us.
    That we don’t see the whole picture.
    That trials purify and suffering draws us closer to Him.
    No one could tell me anything I didn’t already know.
    I’ve heard it a million times.
    It was so engrained into me.
    Beaten in my head. And yes, that was it – it wasn’t in my heart.
    I knew that too. Knew that most of all.
    But truth was.. I wasn’t sure how to get it there.
    Squeezing your fists really hard and shutting your eyes tight while you say over and over, “I will trust you. I will trust you. I will trust you.” doesn’t exactly make it magically be absorbed into your heart. No matter how much you know that it needs to be. Want it to be. Wish it was. Wish it were. Wish you could be the modern Elisabeth Elliot of your day. That kind of faith.

    Instead. there’s a deadness. a hopelessness. a cynicism. even bitterness.
    You feel them suffocating your soul, and disillusionment sets in that this wasn’t the path you signed up for.
    Flipping through the road map going, “I know there’s a path that’s smoother. One with fewer rocks and sharp turns. One marked – EASY.” :)
    And you find yourself looking over at sister so&so who not only apparently has a less difficult journey, but she’s skipping along praising Jesus for her 100 dollar angora sweater she got for 25!!!!

    and before anyone starts composing a private message in their head to me about minimizing God answering the smallest of requests….
    I know He does {my ring}. I’m glad He does.

    but… I’ve just been thinking since my last post that I also know what it’s like to read something like that and think,
    “gee. that’s good for you, Amber. but I’m not exactly feeling that God is coming through for me lately.”

    You’re standing there with that foreclosure notice in your hand.
    That grocery bill that was more than you could afford.
    That negative pregnancy test on the sink.
    {this one especially near my heart since i was there not so long ago myself- “The English language lacks the words “to mourn an absence.” For the loss of someone we have all manner of words and phrases, some helpful, some not. Still, we are conditioned to say something. But for the absence, for someone who was never there at all, we are wordless to capture that particular emptiness. For those who deeply want children and are denied them, those missing babies hover like silent, ephemeral shadows over their lives. Who can describe the feel of a tiny hand that is never held?”} 

    Or that pregnancy you’ve prayed so long for end in miscarriage.
    That sick child you thought God would heal, now buried. 
    The look of disappointment on your son’s face when you tell him there’s no money to play football this year.
    Those lonely nights while your husband is working that second job.
    Or maybe no internet service to even read something like this because it’s been shut off from not paying the bill!!

    And I would like to say that HERE is my great insight from that dark time in my life. of feeling God was a thousand miles away and didn’t care. HERE is what I learned. HERE is what I now see. and HERE is what you can do too.

    but no. I don’t really have a
    there are some things that I will never understand.
    some prayers that I will never get why God didn’t answer…
    circumstances left the same.
    people left unchanged.
    “needs” that went unmet.
    and faith that wavered and weakened.

    Times that came and went where I was left looking up like, “God?”
    Reminding Him how much glory He just missed out on if only He would have answered. ;)
    Feeling confused by Him. let down. even hurt.

    Some people purse their lips and scold… “Now. Now.. be careful. God is God and you cannot humanize Him.”

    Yes. I know that God cannot be humanized – but I cannot stop viewing Him from my very human perspective.

    If anything… those dark times of the soul have taught – no, that’s not really the right word because I feel I still haven’t quite learned it yet. But rather, shown me that God is okay with my humanness. :) He is never surprised by my response. Baffled by my questions. Confused by my doubts. Or exasperated at my anger. He knows me. He understands where I’m at. He’s not standing there impatiently taping His foot and drumming His fingers. Even in those times when that 3 yr old inside me comes out in all her fit throwin glory that things aren’t going my way… even then, I can picture Him just kinda sitting down next to me. waiting. silent. 

    … and when all the kicking and screaming finally stops He looks at me and smiles. “Are you done now?”
    Then He opens up His arms extra wide and lets me run in.

    It doesn’t mean the answers immediately come.
    or that they come how I want them to, or think they should.
    Or that I suddenly feel all cool with everything.

    But there is this surprisingly, unexplainable….


    the kind of quiet that doesn’t have anything to do with what is happening externally.

    and no, it doesn’t change your circumstances. but somehow it changes your heart.


    So in writing this I wanted those of you out there who might be going through a time of doubt or darkness and feeling God is so far away and doesn’t care to know very simply on this rainy afternoon here in Ohio, from a nobody important sort of person that I’ve been there too. That regardless of how much you might try to minimize what you’re feeling or going through – your pain is just that. yours. And it stinkin hurts no matter how you try to slice, dice, spiritualize, or reason it away.

    You’re not alone in your journey. Trust me.

    but most of all – Trust Him.

    “The point of Christianity isn’t to learn alot of truths so you don’t need God anymore. We don’t learn about God in the abstract. We are drawn into His life.”     

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber

  • {a reminder on this Monday. mostly to me}


    I’ve never been a great prayer warrior.

    I wish I was.
    I’d like to be more of one.

    I’ve never been great at praying. period.
    I have a hard time paying attention.
    It sounds lame. but I do. 

    I used to never understand when people would say, “I FELT the prayers of others….”
    I thought it was just one of those things you say as a Christian.

    I didn’t like to tell others I would pray for them because… because often, I really didn’t. Thinking again, it’s just the thing to say.

    I came to a point in my Christian life a year, maybe year and a half ago, where I was done doing and saying all the right and expected things.
    I was tired of pretending I got it, when really.. I hadn’t a clue.

    Shayne and I were talking over the weekend and saying how in so many ways we feel we’ve started over. 
    Back to square one. Simply – the gospel. And slowly adding to that…
    although as we both agreed, it’s been quite the journey of discovery realizing there really isn’t much to “add” to that square after all. 
    The gospel is it. Jesus Christ. What He’s done for us. It always comes back to the cross. ~
    and in learnING this do I see myself grasping one small bit at a time what true prayer is. and the power it holds for us as Christians.

    Finding often that genuine prayer carries the same theme – helplessness.relationship.repentance.seeking.journey.hope.


    One of the most real examples being through this pregnancy. and the other two leading up to it… 
    When I miscarried back to back last fall. Finding out I was expecting again the first of the year.  Full of doubts and lack of faith and fear. Thinking those were being realized yet again. Going through such a dark time spiritually of not believing God’s love. Realizing for the first time that trials and suffering ARE His love. Not liking that. Not wanting to pray. Feeling I couldn’t. The words getting stuck in my throat. Seeing so many of the views of God I grew up with or held to for years were not really Him, only what I wanted Him to be.  Not liking that. And feeling it was the prayers of others that carried me to the cross when I felt I couldn’t get there on my own.  And knowing because of them that God in His mercy spared this little one. Giving her life back to us, and in so doing, giving me a life in Him I hadn’t known before.

    Because a true relationship with Jesus starts when we realize how much we need Him.
    And that isn’t just a one time salvation type experience.
    It never goes away. Only grows. Or it should.
    He made us to be needy – so that in our search for something to fill the holes of our heart we’d find Him!

    Redemption comes in the most unexpected places. Slowly, in the small, hidden spaces.


    I started re-reading a book I’d read before. Cause I had a feeling I’d read it differently this time. And I have.
    Yesterday, this part spoke to me~

    “We tell ourselves, “Strong Christians pray a lot. If I were a stronger Christian, I’d pray more. Strong Christians do pray more, but they pray more because they realize how weak they are. They don’t try to hide it from themselves. Weakness is the channel that allows them to access grace.

    I’m not referring to well-known Christians. An interviewer once asked Edith Schaeffer, author and wife of evangelist and philosopher, Francis Schaeffer, “Who is the greatest Christian woman alive today?”

    She replied, “We don’t know her name. She is dying of cancer somewhere in a hospital in India…”

    I’m talking about that woman. Underneath her obedient life is a sense of helplessness. It has become part of her very nature.. almost like breathing. Why? Because she is weak. She can feel her restless heart, her tendency to compare herself with others. She is shocked at how jealously can well up in her. She notices how easily the world gets its hooks into her. In short, she distrusts herself. The result? Her heart cries out to God in prayer. She needs Jesus.

    As we mature as Christians we see more and more of our sinful natures, but at the same time we see more and more of Jesus.

    As we see our weakness more clearly, we begin to grasp our need for more grace.

    The immature Christian has a small cross and a small view of her sin. She has little need to pray….”   {A Praying Life, Paul Miller}


    I’m not saying I’m a mature Christian, only that I think I finally know what one truly looks like.

    And I’m grateful for those in my life who live this out first hand.
    It’s just not reading it in some book by who knows who, it’s SEEING it.
    Those who haven’t patted me on the head with a superficial, “I’ll pray for you…”
    but have come along side of me with comfort and sincerity.
    Who let me know they have needs too. and it’s okay. and together, we can take those needs to the Father.

    For the first time ever I can honestly say that I’ve FELT the prayers of others.
    I do not take that lightly.

    And once again, God has answered.

    Last Wednesday I was positive it had started. I was in labor.

    I got dressed. Combed my hair. Put my earrings in and a little gloss on my lips. {yes.. I’m funny about wanting to look nice when I meet my babies for the first time!} I told the kids mamaw and papaw were on their way to get them, and was about to leave when Shayne pulled up seconds before! Home a day early, and just in time {THAT was your prayers}. After some intense stuff, everything was suddenly & surprisingly quiet. I’m not one to have false labor. I wait until I’m sure {again, THAT was prayer}. The midwife wanted to give me a test before going… where they can check the hormone levels of the baby to see if it’s preparing to be born in the next days, or week. She said she was pretty sure by how things were looking it would come back positive. So I came home – back to the couch – back to waiting. And feeling such a calm about everything. {again, prayers}. Late on Friday the midwife finally called and said the results were in and I wasn’t going to believe it, and neither did she, but they were negative. I think I asked 2 or 3 times if I heard right, “negative?” Which means based on the statistics of the success of this test, I shouldn’t have the baby for another 2 weeks! {yes. so very much -prayers!} I believe that with all my heart! 

    Thank you so much to those of you who have prayed for this baby girl.
    For the outpouring of your kindness through so many avenues – the words {which I love.. I’m a big words girl} :) and the gifts {love them too} the flowers {Audrey, these are pictures of the ones you sent today!} the cards and the meals!!! It all just means more than I can express. I’ve been overwhelmed by God’s goodness – and overwhelmed by the history of this little ones life – already!

    … and I’ve been thinking all day about two things.
    1). prayer works, and 2). a kind word or gesture is like CPR to the soul when you’re struggling

    if you know someone going through a rough time make that extra effort to let them know you care. I already find myself planning meals in my head to take to people when I’m able. I KNOW how much it means and I want others to have that sense too~


    Here’s another {and fun one too} answer to prayer that came last Friday~

    Just a few weeks ago I was standing in a group of ladies and we started talking about our engagement/ wedding rings.
    I mentioned that my engagement ring had been lost for over 2 years.. and it was kinda starting to really bother me.
    Later that night, alone in bed, I felt the Lord prick my heart to pray about it…. asking Him to help me find it.
    I had exhausted all the places to look. Thinking that maaaaybe it was under Shayne’s huge oak desk because it seemed that was the last place I remembered it. {I hate typing or playing the piano with rings on}.

    Well… I rather forgot about that prayer to Him that night.

    Then on Friday, Ben was running the vacuum around his school desk and I was trying to tell him from the couch how to use the hose to get up all the little papers and stray food that seem to accumulate around his spot. When he wasn’t quite getting it {or doing it the way mom wanted, more like it} :) I got up and went over and started showing him how it was supposed to be done. Moving the desk and chair {since it was after my good news from the midwives!}, and accidently knocked over the kids computers that sit on the floor. – when I picked them up to stack them back up, right there… nestled deep into a TWO year groove in the carpet lay my engagement ring!!!!

    not under or around Shayne’s desk as I thought. under the kids! they’ve been doing their online program for, yes… TWO years now! :)

    {recently discovered that pillows make good props/backdrops for shots!}

    “Oh, buddy!! Look what I found!!!!!” I squealed in excitement.

    Ben walked over a bit hesitantly – I think not sure if it was going to be the typical fungus growing science project type stuff I usually find around the areas he traffics the most! ;)

    And then the prick from the Lord and my prayer that night came to mind….
    I sunk back down on the floor from my knees and let my shoulders fall into a sigh as I did.

    Staring at the little shiny thing in my hand for a second, then, looking up at Ben.

    “I prayed Jesus would help me find this!” I held it up higher in the air. “And look at that, bud!!”

    “That’s neat, mom.” he smiled. Then must have left after I turned back to inspect the ring, seeing an opportunity to get out of his vacuuming chore. ;)

    Yeah. maybe my kids don’t get the power of prayer quite yet either. That’s okay.
    I know they will eventually… just like I am, still at times eventually getting it.
    But I do so hope that stories like these – our little baby. the ring – will stay tucked in their minds and come out and echo through their hearts in years to come… in times ahead when they’ll need reminded that prayer works. that God is big enough. and He is faithful.

    …just as reminding myself as I’ve written this has encouraged me. and I hope you as well. 

    Wherever you are in life. With whatever you are facing. We have a God that sees. that knows. that cares.

    Not only can we talk to Him about everything we feel – He LIKES hearing from us!

    And no matter how many times I might tell myself that, or hear others say it, or write it…
    that thought will never cease to cause me to shake my head in wonder and awe.

    GOD – the creator of the universe – knows who I am and cares about the contents of my heart!


    shaking my head.



    every time.


    Here’s just a fun question for conversation I was thinking from seeing my rings again and all….

    *Did you pick out your engagement ring or did your husband? And, did you like it?

    Shayne did all the picking with mine~ designed it and had it made, even.
    And I liked the engagement ring fine, but wasn’t sure I liked the set together so much…
    the one was my wedding band, the other my first year anniversary band.

    I went through a time of wishing/ longing/ hinting for another one. ;)
    Actually, I felt that about my whole entire wedding, etc.
    it wasn’t really my style  – who I was – blahblahblah.
    And for years, literally, it all would bug the snot out of me when I would think about it.

    But then, I don’t know. One day it’s like something clicked with me.
    Maybe it was something to do with realizing what really matters in life – - letting the important be the important.
    And things like rings and diamonds and wedding dresses… nope. aren’t that important in light of what “for richer or poorer” really mean.  
    It’s what happens on the other side of the alter that really counts, not how you look getting there.
    And some of my best memories of marriage – of growth and depth and closeness – happened in these past two years without a ring on my finger at all. :)

    But I am glad I have it again.

    And somehow… finding it underneath that computer on the floor with all the food and trash and fuzz balls it just looked so much more beautiful to me than it did 14 years ago in that park in Canada when I saw for the first time….

    Maybe now I was seeing it with the true eyes of love.
    Eyes that I’ve come to realize you’re not born with, but rather, have to be developed.

    happy Monday and happy remembering those things that are ….  are good to remember! :)

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber

    {p.s. i added a song on my playlist, #14 i believe. i heard my younger brother danny sing it over the weekend. the message resonates with something in me. i’ve listened to it several times today.. putting my head back and closing my eyes. sometimes prayer is simply a word ~ “it’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah.”} 


    I walked into the kitchen earlier and saw Emma standing with the freezer door open -
    as close into it as she could get.

    “Whatcha doing there, baby?” I asked.

    She turned around with a big chocolate covered grin on her face…

    “Im trying to teep my ice tream from dipping off da tone….”

    I started laughing at her cuteness and method of thinking.
    She laughed too, drawing her shoulders up in that cute shy way she does.

    “… it was doeing all oder da p-wace!”

    “Well, you’re pretty smart standing in the freezer then, huh? Cause that will stop the mess, I’m sure…”

    I reached for my camera on the nearby table and sat on the floor smiling and watching and laughing with her, and at her.

    As I looked through that tiny square viewfinder scenes from the week came flooding in -
    and suddenly, I saw how my life so often resembles eating an ice cream cone and what my little girl was doing made perfect sense ! 

    I mean what do typical ice cream eaters do when they find their ice cream running down all over their hands?
    Can’t you just instantly picture it in your mind….
    That sideways slant of the cone turning quickly in a swirling circular motion with tongue stuck out going the full circumference around..
    stopping from time to time to make sure you’ve made it all the way around!
    Only to discover once you do, there’s another drip down the other side, and you begin the process all over again.
    Probably making eating an ice cream cone one of the funniest things to watch – when ya actually sit there and watch someone eating one!

    Apparently, Emma realized that trying to deal with the mess of melting ice cream was pretty useless… 
    a waste of time. even exhausting.

    She must have grown tired of trying to deal with it on her own and make it work,
    and recognized a source of power nearby that was bigger than she was!

    Something that could do a better job of preventing the mess she couldn’t handle.
    Something more capable.
    Something DESIGNED to do what she couldn’t!



    How many times do I find myself standing in the messes of life, whether of my own doing or the ones that kinda just spill down on you from others… trying to come up with a solution of my own. a remedy. a quick fix. Maybe if I spin the cone faster no one will notice all my drips. Tip it just right so that it looks like I know what I’m doing. Listen to those people, read that book, attend that seminar, that give me all the correct 1.2.3. step methods of how it’s supposed to be done…


    Run to The Power – the Source available to me that gives me the true help and healing and cleansing I need!

    how I love it that even if I’ve tried my own way first…  and then come to Him with the sticky ugly unpleasant mess I’ve created, He never turns me away. There is never a mess that I could carry to Him that would cause Him to be overwhelmed. to wonder how He’ll fix it. or worry that I’m beyond repair. Because He’s big enough like that. He’s capable. and He was designed to take the junk of my life and turn it into something beautiful – even desirable. it’s.what.He.does.

    He embraces me – drips and all! :)

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber

    p.s. What’s your favorite flavor ice cream? I think mine would have to be chocolate marshmallow 

    & p.s.s. Yes, I really did make a ice cream cone and let it melt to take these pictures – can you tell I’m a bit stir crazy in my “bed rest!”

  • {and so the countdown begins}

    30 weeks.

    Where have they gone?

    The days have passed so quickly….

    I planned on taking more pictures.
    Journaling more.
    Savoring more.
    Having those home projects finished.
    That wall painted.
    The baby bed up.

    Then again…

    the days have crept so slowly.
    One folding over into the other oh, so carefully and deliberate and drawn out.

    It seems like an eternity has passed since I stared at that little white stick in my hand with those two pink lines staring back -
    like arms lifted straight up towards heaven signifying my neediness and gratitude all at once.


    Oh, baby…

    Arms that have stayed stretched out to the Lord every step of this journey.
    When we thought we were losing you…

    but then there you were.
    When they told us you were gone.
    but then – no you weren’t. :)
    As I worried and wondered if your life would really come to full fruition -
    and felt tears at every kick and movement of reassurance within. 

    I look at these pictures and can’t believe that’s my baby.

    It’s like knowing someone but never having met them.
    And loving them before you even see them.

    I close my eyes at times and can smell the top of your head and feel the weight of your body in my arms.

    So much a part of me. already.
    Never to be the same again.
    because of you.


    Such a miracle.


    Moments of time standing still and yet spinning wildly past you all in the same glorious sweeping motion…
    coming back full circle, the end somehow becoming the beginning again.


    I pause writing this and look out the rain covered window —

    I started this pregnancy waiting.
    and now it seems I’ll end it the same.

    Yesterday at my midwives appointment she decided to go ahead and check me since I told her I’d been experiencing alot of pressure…. I don’t tend to go into labor like “normal” women and with my last two have been a bit blown away to discover I was 4 and 7 cm. dilated {though not at 30 weeks!} with having little, to no discomfort at all. But it’s why I had some question marks going off in my head this past week.

    The midwife’s expression looking up at me told me the answer even before she spoke.

    “Oh my…” she finally said. “There’s a head right there. You’re almost completely thinned out and atleast 1 cm. dilated, if not a bit more!!”

    I laid there and looked up at the ceiling like I had done so many other times in that office it seems.
    I knew I shouldn’t be surprised… I was kinda thinking it might be so.
    But I still couldn’t help the soft tears that spilled down the sides of my cheeks filling my ears and causing her further words to be a bit muffled…

    Something about going on strict bed rest. Coming back on Monday. And if I’ve dilated any more they’ll want to put me in the hospital.

    So. yes. full circle.

    The same spot on the couch.
    The same tree I look at out the window.
    The same blanket across my legs.
    The same fears and worries and what if’s.

    One things a bit different from the start though – -
    my husband wasn’t 800 miles away.
    I’ve felt that distance like a knife in my heart.
    I’m emotional – and so wanting him to come make it all better. :)
    Even though I know… 
    and have already learned the hard way the last day and half as I’ve felt disappointed and let down because of my own expectations,
    that God is the only one who can truly give me what I need~




    That’s all I’ll say there for now. :)

    I would so appreciate your prayers during this time. For baby to stay put!
    I know many of you have prayed for this little one since the very first, and some even before that. 
    And pray that I would not give in to all the hundred nagging worries – but rest.
    Physically, yes. But spiritually and emotionally most.

    And pray… pray I won’t have this baby without my husband! {that’s the biggest one for me right now}

    Oh, baby…

    How I love you and have longed for you and can’t wait to meet you.
    But not yet. :) Hang out in there just a little bit longer.

    We’ve made it these 30 weeks together.
    I think we can do a few more.

    anxious for you.
    but waiting….

    and giving you over again as I’ve done every day since your life began to TheOne who gave you to us to begin with.

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber

  • {blasts of hurry}

    If you notice a gray leather Honda Odyssey van seat attached to my butt please don’t stare…
    it’s kinda become a permanent fixture on me recently! :)

    I think I’ve traveled thousands of miles in the last few months -
    and mainly within my own city limits!!

    All of which came to a somewhat fitting climatical crazy conclusion this past weekend…
    with the kids play finishing up~

    and a wonderfully sweet time away with friends~.


    {thanks you three for making it so special}

    But. Now.
    I was kinda sorta wanting, hoping, looking forward to just BE-ing at home this week.
    No place to have to rush out the door to.

    Then Ben reminded me…

    Football practice starts tonight .. and will be every night for the next two weeks!

    Which means sometime between now and then we need to come up with some new practice pants and cleats..
    his old ones are too small, resembling more like bikers shorts than pants and the cleats were already way tight last year!

    Kate asked this morning what time her piano lesson was.. oh, yeah. Forgot I moved those to Monday’s again!

    And I have a midwives appointment sometime today too between all that … gotta find out when. :)

    I find myself chuckling a little inside that I thought this week would be different from the others -

    Hellow Monday. Hellow Life. Right?

    It comes with the territory of being a mom, I know.. the feeling your feet are moving before you even leave your bed! Whether you have older ones that need running around or little ones that you chase around. Dishes to be washed for the umpteen time or discipline to give for the umpteen time. Laundry that seems to grow or little legs that are doing the same! There is just never ending AcTivitY.

    Sitting on the side of my bed this morning I found my heart step up a beat as it sometimes does at that sense of overwhelming responsibility within my home and the constant going on’s outside my home… blasting out the door a few minutes late, driving like mad, dodging mailboxes, sending flare prayers, and reciting Wendy’s drive thru orders in my sleep.  And as I felt that sob of tired emotion begin to set in at the,  “Can I make it through this day?” thoughts that started cropping up in my head, I remembered the verse of this song we sang in church yesterday~

    Hidden in the hallow {ah, how that word “hidden” appeals to me}
    of His blessed hand.
    Never foe can follow {ever feel you have foes following you around? like exhaustion or fear or maybe real live people!}
    Never traitor stand
    Not a surge of worry {Surge – 1. a movement of or like that of a mass of water; violent rolling, sweeping, or swelling motion: the surge of the sea.2.a sudden, sharp increase of electric current or voltage in a circuit. oh yeah… I’ve been experiencing some “surging” round here today!}
    Not a shade of care {not even the slightest shadow of a concern}
    Not a blast of hurry {and do I get this one! Mrs.BlastofHurry herself}
    Touch the spirit there 

    maN! how I long for that hidden,blessed,foe-less,traitor-less,surge-less,shade-less,blast-less place of rest for my soul.

    The chorus goes on and tells me where to find it – -

    Stayed upon Jehovah
    Hearts are fully blest
    Finding as He promised
    Perfect {love that word – - many illusions of peace but only in Him}
    Peace and Rest.

    Seeking to Be Stayed regardless of circumstances.

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber.

  • {a few more feathers in my nest}

    Whenever I add something to the house –
    whether from buying it or just moving it to another space –
    that becomes my new favorite spot for awhile.
    A little space of happy that might not seem like a big deal to those on the outside looking in…
    but that’s the great thing about building a nest of your own.
    It’s just that – yours!

    A expression of what you love.
    A extension of who you are.

    And it doesn’t have to look pretty to anybody else…
    or even make sense.

    If you stick that feather in,
    stand back and tilt your head to the side,
    sighing contentedly at what you see…

    that’s all that matters. 

    * * * * *

    Some of my favorite feathers I’ve added.moved.or gathered around here lately –

    Decorated for a bridal shower recently that left me with a ton of leftover votive candles….

    Such a fast and inexpensive way to add warmth :) to any nest.
    I loVe candles. and loTs of them.

    …a word of advice -
    buy ones that are ENCLOSED.

    that won’t burn the house down.

    just in case you happen to be like me and {might} forget to blow them out!


    * * * *

    I had bought this hook thingy for a few bucks not long ago but wasn’t sure what to hang on it.
    It’s not the sturdiest in the world and pulled off the wall easily, so I needed something light…


    I keep a little box that has junk scrapbook stuff in it.

    Sitting up late at night usually watching some old BBC movie or something,
    I’ll occasionally pull it out and start trying to create things.

    See- you might have new decorating items laying around your house you didn’t even know you had!

    Also, some of the little do-daddy-wacha-ma-call-it’s double as bracelets for the girls {and me} when we want to pull them down and wear them.
    Love just a simple ribbon tied around the wrist or ankle for a quick & “unusual” accessory.


    * * * * *

    I’ve had this chalkboard for a long time and have moved it from place to place…
    Now trying out this wall that separates Kate and Ben’s room and think it’s my favorite spot yet for it.

    I like being able to leave little messages on it for just.them.
    Kinda like our own mailbox of sorts.

    Chalkboards are one of the neatest decorating items –
    Simply writing on them can change the look!

    And if you’re like me and like change then, you’ll like chalkboards. :)


    * * * * *

    Some more re arranging of things…
    this time the kitchen wall.



    * * * * *

    I absolutely fell in love with this picture/ painting from Hobby Lobby for 5 bucks!!
    But the frame was all dented and scratched.

    With a little Sharpie marker though – I don’t think you can even tell!

    colored markers can make a great way to touch up nicks on things..
    w/out having to break open a can of paint!

    * * * *
    Of course, flowers are a favorite fluff in my nest – and often.

    I like putting them in non-traditional places….
    On the floor. On a chair. Verses the typical, in the middle of the table.
    It gives me the sense of something new being decorated when really,
    it’s just a vase of flowers..

    * * * * *

    Here’s a dresser I picked up out of the garbage a while back.
    Actually, it was my mom who really did the picking up.
    She was with me and when I saw this I spun around to go back…
    to which she jumped out and said,

    “Well I don’t have any control over your crazy driving that near got me killed right there…
    but you’re not having this baby before it’s time by lifting this thing.” :)

    Love my mom.

    I gave it to Ben as his project…
    I think he’s going to paint it with chalkboard paint and turn it into a craft dresser.
    With chalkboard paint we’ll be able to write on each drawer on the outside, labeling what’s in it.
    looking forward to how it turns out.
    I think it’ll be cute.

    * * * * *

    What have you been working on around your nest lately?
    Any new feathers you’ve picked up or even some of your old favorites?

    Would love for others to share.

    If you’ve written a post about it add the link in with your comment.
    It’s fun to hear. But even more fun to SEE. :)

    …and along the lines of finding inspiration from others I loVed this quote I read recently~

    “….it is not possible to ever imitate one person’s desires and imagine them your own. It’s just not, and I will argue that to the grave. We are all unique characters, and we share the same circumstances, but never entirely…. I am who I am and that means I am not threatened or intimidated by any form of imitation, because we’re all products of imitation. But please, please, take the time to ask yourself why it is that certain things move the Earth underneath your feet. If they don’t do that for you, they’re not really a part of who you are, but rather a fascination with someone else’s character. Make sense? Go find you in all this inspiration in the world. Go find contentment.”

    happy nesting.

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber.

  • {INDEPENDENCE. of a few kinds}


    On 3 July 1776, John Adams wrote home to his wife Abigail, excited that the Continental Congress had finally voted for independence the day before. He said:

    “The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.

    You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not.—I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States.—Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means….”

    * * * * *

    I never realized until this year that the 2nd of July was when the Declaration was signed, however, the 4th was when it was made public. Making the reason why we celebrate the 4th.

    We were at one of these such great Anniversary Festivals yesterday… melting in the heat, I mean, making memories despite the heat. :)

    Kate and Ben were at their play practice and we went with just Emma for a few hours, but decided to go back after picking them up. We debated it at first – going back, or going home. But even though it was scorching hot, and Shayne and I were both extra tired from a long, long week, and I spend a good deal of time in the bathroom no matter WHERE we happen to be {7 month baby inside does that to ya}… still, what swayed us was wanting our kids to CeLeBraTe this day! It’s one worth celebrating. To stop and remember. To hoop& holler and oohh&aahh. To do things you wouldn’t normally do – like standing around sweating buckets while your kids get stars painted on their face by the girl scouts {that don’t exactly resemble stars}. To me, it’s worth the sacrifice of tiredness, heat, and even public restrooms so that the joy and pride we have in this country will, and hopefully is being passed on to them. That someday they’ll want that too for their families, cause…  “this is what we did when we were kids!” :)  

    Over dinner at a little hamburger/ milkshake joint {that played “Lollipop” over and over on the jukebox that I’ve now had in my head ever since} we told the kids the story again of why America was founded. Why they wanted freedom from England. Though my husband’s Canadian he makes a better American history teacher than me {don’t ask about the details I was inserting… I finally just shut up}. I loved hearing him talk with such conviction as the kids sat wide eyed and obviously fascinated.

    Interesting point he made to me later , not the kids, is that two of the main things our founding fathers were fighting for/ against…. religious freedom and lower taxation are two of the very things we still fight for/ against today!

    Amazing how life cycles – - times may change, but people never do.


    Still, despite her flaws I love my America.

    Does she need God?
    Of course.
    But hasn’t she always?
    Though some might not like it -
    You cannot change.deny.or alter her history.
    She was established upon the truths of God’s Word…
    Just read the Declaration of Independence! {wow}

    As Benjamin Franklin said : “The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: ‘that God governs in the affairs of men. ‘And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?”

    And though this day sends me digging through my closet looking for the brightest red and white and blue I can find. {though I had to go with plain white – since that’s all that would fit}. To teach my kids {more} what it’s all about. To sing at the top of my lungs {and with conviction}, “God Bless America,” and feel that rush of emotion {with tears burning my eyes} as I watch our soldiers parade past in uniform…

    I’m thinking this afternoon about another kind of “declaration.” A different sort of freedom, though similar – because it is freedom from a tyranny that seeks to rule and ruin and control my life. {eph.6:12}

    And I’m reminded that even though I’m not taking down empires and setting up new ones, I’m far from a world leader, or even a remotely good one, and I’m not physically liberating people or fighting battles – - – YET. I am building something in my own right. Within the 4 walls of my home. Within the inner chambers of my heart. There is a battle that has freedom at it’s core. And if I’m to be an OVERCOMER — like the the founding fathers of our nation were – I better make sure I’m living by the same motto… “In God We {I will} trust.”  

    He is the ONLY place true freedom is found.

    “To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.” {isa.42:7}

    “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” {gal.5:1}

    “Blessed are those who find strength in you. Their hearts are on the road that leads to you. Blessed is the man that makes the Lord his trust. {ps. 84:5. ps.40:4}

    {Shayne and I read some of these verses ^ this afternoon. love them.}

    {taken today after church}  

    Was really moved by these words as we sang them in church this morning….

    While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
    Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free,
    Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
    As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.

    God Bless America,
    Land that I love.
    Stand beside her, and guide her
    Thru the night with a light from above.
    From the mountains, to the prairies,
    To the oceans, white with foam
    God bless America, My home sweet home.”

    * * * * *

    Thinking too of another kind of independence that was established some 14 years ago on this day….
    seems so short and yet so forever all at the same time…

    the day Shayne asked me to be his wife!!!   

    {courting days}

    {wedding day}

    {married days}

    no. we don’t always see fireworks when we kiss. we don’t have “the perfect marriage” like that. ;)
    but I’m glad regardless of what we’ve walked and weathered together… when it’s all said and done…
    he’s still the one I want to be kissing for the rest of my life! :)

    * * * * *

    hapPy engagement anniversary uS! and haPpy birthday America!!

    now to start gathering blankets.kiddos.and mosquito spray to go watch some {real} fireworks!! :)

    ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ amber.



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